Today we are reviewing classroom policies. As most of our work will take place in one of the two computer labs, it is imperative that there is no food or beverages- never / ever - brought into these rooms.
Students should share the criteria information with their parents and sign and return the attached sheet by Wednesday 7 September. Please retain the top sheet for contact information. As well, get the photo release signed if you want me to use class pictures on the blog.
Students should share the criteria information with their parents and sign and return the attached sheet by Wednesday 7 September. Please retain the top sheet for contact information. As well, get the photo release signed if you want me to use class pictures on the blog.
Note that for this class you will need ear buds and a thumb drive. You will be listening to podcasts and watching videos. As folks pace themselves differently and to avoid a cacophonous environment- and to keep some sanity within the class- in order to listen to your assignment, you must have your own-not shared with the buddy next door- set of ear phones.
Note that on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12 the class, as well as every English class, is writing a critical lens essay on the two choice books that the students were required to read over the summer. This is 20% of this marking period's grade. The format of the essay is a critical lens. If for some reason you have not read the material, you may still write the essays; however 15 points for each non assigned novel will be deducted. The SOTA website: http://www.rochester.org/ has the book selections for each grade that were handed out last June.
Each day when you come into the room, you should log onto this site. This may be reached either directly: http://journalism11-12.blogspot.com/ or through the SOTA website under www.rcsdk12.org/sota. From there go to teachers and then Parker. Memorize this!
What's happening? Next week we are exploring the First Amendment of the Constitution, the relevant portion of the First Amendment, passed in 1791, reads
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Please memorize the above; this will be part of a quiz on Friday September 9.
Please memorize the above; this will be part of a quiz on Friday September 9.
In the meantime....you need by our next class to have yourself registered on this blog. This is where most of your writing will occur. And I promise you, we will be writing lots! As well, I have set up a drop box account for more involved work, so that very little need be printed out.
I would like to try something a bit more creative in the getting-to-know-you category. Below you will see The Proust Questionaire. Open up a word document and respond to the questions. When you have completed the task, send them along in an e-mail, where I'll collect them in the drop box. Take your time. Your responses should be fluid and grammatically correct. However, they may be witty and imaginative. Tasty bits will be shared on the blog. As noted above these are due before class on Tuesday. You have tomorrow in class to work on them, but no time on Tuesday. The grading rubric will be based upon correct grammar, spelling and completion of the assignment. Have fun! (this is a quick homework grade: (check minus, check, or check plus (75 / 85 / 95). There is no classtime for this.
The Proust Questionnaire
Marcel Proust 10 July 1871 – 18 November 1922) was a French novelist, critic and essayist best known for his monumental À la Recherche du Temps Perdu (In Search of Lost Time- earlier translated as Remembrance of Things Past). It was published in seven parts between 1913 and 1927. In the back pages of Vanity Fair magazine each month, readers find The Proust Questionnaire, a series of questions posed to famous subjects about their lives, thoughts, values and experience. As a way of getting to know you, and by extension each other, please read and respond to the following questions. They are from a party game the young Proust played at the age of 13. As with this writer, the questions give insight into character and life beliefs. Take your time and reflect. These should not be extended responses. Humor and wit are welcomed. Make sure you are registered on the blog and post accordingly.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
2. What is your greatest fear?
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
4. What is your current state of mind?
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie?
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
10. When and where were you happiest?
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
14. What is your most treasured possession?
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
16. What do you most value in your friends?
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
19. What is it that you most dislike?
20. How would you like to die?
1. A fair sunny day in the wonderful world of SCOTLAND!!!
ReplyDelete2. Women in Black
3. Hockey
4. calm
5. Compassion. totally bogus.
6.When I'm in trouble. Or i have my "back aginst the wall."
7. All the supa hot fire i spit.
9. WOW, WHat, Yea Buddy, Swag, Ninja Shark, and Bro-chocous.
10. Scotland
11. I wish i could walk on polar bear's heads.
12. my inability to walk through walls.
13. preforming in Scotland in front of people who love my art as much as me.
14. my Ray Bans
15. Lonlieness.
16. laughter
17. Tyler the Creator
18. Spiderman
20. Jumping out of a plane surounded by dogs on fire while jumping on to another plane and stealing it. then continuing to then jump off that plane and destroy about 50 more enemy panes while throwing dogs of fire at them. till finally falling in the ocean being lost to the world...but never dead.
1. Perfect happiness is free food.
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear is people being able to read my thoughts.
3. My greatest extravagance is my craziness
4. I have gone mad.
5. People's "happiness"
6. Trying to end conversations quickly
7. I have a really big head/ face.
8. The person's teeth
9. I have many. "Oh my ham" "awkward" "fail"
10. When I was 5-10 . I was discovering new things and didn't know anything
11. I would like to know how to dance.
12. I was less slow.
13. Tying my shoes
14. My camera.
15. Alone, broke, and everyone hates you
16. Sense of humor
17. George Washington
18. Batman
19. When people say " I am doing good".
20. On air plane
1. My idea of perfect happiness is to have a bad bitch and alot of money!
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear is Carneathea Melson (NO momma NO)
3. My greatest extravagance is my bed.
4. My current state of mind is at ease
5. My most overrated virtue is my giving heart!
6. I lie when i dont want to get into trouble or to not hurt someones feelings
7. I dislike my nose.
8. The quality i most like in a woman is how smart she is.
9. I overuse the word nigga!
10. I was happiest in the womb without all the fake people.
11. I would most like to have the talent of dancing!
12. I would change my height.
13. My greatest achievement is staying sober my whole life.
14. My phone is my greatest possession
15. Being single
16. I most value honesty and loyalty.
17. Malcom X
18. My favorite superhero is the Hulk
19. I dislike hoes wit nappy ass heads
20. I would like to die getting hit by a car saving a little girl :)
ReplyDelete1.perfect happiness is being more than content with where you are, and not willing to change anything about it.
2.my greatest fear is denial
3.my dedication
4.currently striving
5.sex is overrated
6.to my parents to avoid punishment
7.broad shoulders
8.woman- poise, man- trust
10.i'm happiest at dance and on stage
11. writing
12.my height
13. winning 4 trophies from one competition
14. my cell phone
15. when u consider suicide
16. advice and support
17. coretta scott king
18. wonder woman
19. people who get so far ahead without working for it, or people who waste talent
20. next to someone i love, not painfully
1. Living with the ability to make a a living doing something I love to do with people that I love. Then work is no longer 'work.'
ReplyDelete2. Probably loneliness, rejection, misunderstanding, or spiders
3. I love to be dramatic!
4. I'm excited about the new school year and to be getting a feel for my new classes.
5. Faith/hope. Or maybe patience.
6. When I'm about to get in trouble.
7. I'm not a TOTAL beefcake, but I still can knock out the ladies.
8. Sexiness. A good sense of humor.
9. Swag. Sick. Word.
10. That's an incredibly tough question but probably doing something I love in the company of people I love without any outside pressure to have something done that I don't want to do.
11. I wish I were a basejumper.
12. Nothing.
13. Probably my theater resume.
14. Well my phone is probably the thing I use most and the thing that keeps me most connected, but that sounds pretty shallow. Oh well.
15. Not being able to solve a problem that you feel responsible for or being able to help someone you love. Maybe when your stuck on something from the past that you just can't help being reminded of. That's pretty miserable.
16. Humor and compassion. Open-mindedness, but I like the saying "Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out." Musical taste.
17. George Washington because of his badassery.
18. George Washington because of his badassery (in historical fiction).
19. Tough question again. probably beuracracy and pretension,
20. Not very much, thank you. But if I had to choose I'd like a jet engine to fall into my bedroom but to escape from it so that I can go into an alternate universe and give it a reason for being there thus saving the primary universe before traveling back to it to be killed by said engine, having given it a reason for existence and having saved the world. Swag.
1. Being with family, being in love, and being in perfect serenity with God
ReplyDelete2. Being in this world without my Mom
3. My relationship with God
4. Befuddled
6. When there is no other way to not hurt someone's feelings
7. My weight
8. Knowing how to be comical with control
9. Lol
10. When I went on a family trip this summer at my aunt's new house
11. Dance
12. Sometimes I want to just not care
13. Doing well throughout high school
14. Bible
15. Suicide
16. Honesty
18. Spiderman
19. Cruelty
20. When Jesus comes
1. Being with Family, and being in perfect serenity with God.
ReplyDelete2.loosing a loved one.
3.My relationship with God.
6.when I am considering someone else's feelings or being nice
7. my teeth
8. Being a Gentleman
10. When I was with my family in Puerto Rico.
11.Play the Piano
12. Sometimes I want to only think about myself not others.
13.Getting accepted to pathway scholar in Eastman school of Music.
14.My great grandmothers ring.
19.being rude.
When Jesus comes.
1) my idea of perfect happiness would be the ability to be myself in this world where fitting in and expressing your emotions like everyone is is the safest bet, in short my idea of perfect happiness is to be FREE !
ReplyDelete2) my greatest fear will have to be the fear of not achieving the success I know is within, I refuse to be just another Mr. Ordinary.
3) my greatest extravagance would have to be my collection of spider-man material, not that I need spider-man but the ideal that a man could be soaring above the city of New York with spider's web begs the question how is this not amazing ?
4) my current state of mind is insane but some believe that there is a slight thin line between insane and genius, so maybe I am a genius or even better I am insanely genius !
5) the most overrated virtue will have to be honesty, even though everyone says " the truth may set you free" how many people have been set free by the truth.
Will Jackson
Jenee Skinner
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
September 2, 2011
The Proust Questionnaire
1. Haven’t found it yet.
2. Fear itself: snakes, and roaches as well.
3. My graduation present: I still don’t know what it is.
4. Anxious yet enlightened.
5. Fashion.
6. When I don’t care or if I scared.
7. Self-doubt.
8. Humility for both.
9. “Like”, “uuh” and “uum”, and “as well” or “as much”.
10. Hopefully my high school and college graduation, my wedding day, and all anniversaries.
11. Realizing my strengths and weaknesses.
12. The pace of my thought process.
13. Submitting myself to God’s will.
14. My pillows and blankets.
15. Letting life pass me by.
16. Compromise, attentiveness, and good intentions.
17. No one has been ahead of their time enough for me.
18. I only have a favorite novel, Little Women.
19. Fear, stupid mistakes, and procrastination.
20. Satisfied with how I lived my life as I drift to sleep.
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2. Grayson to base camp, do you read?
ReplyDeletetest post
hiiiii guys
ReplyDeleteperfect happiness is having everything in your life the way you want it with no compliants or wants for anything and, not wanting to change anything about it.
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ReplyDeleteShaundrana said
ReplyDelete1. Perfect happiness is family and GOD
2. My greatest fear would have to be me being too hard of a critic on myself.
3. Track and Field
4. how excited I am to finally be a senior.
5. happiness is the most over rated virtue.
6. When I dont care about anything
7. When i always doubt how i look at times.
8. honesty is the best quality a man can have.
9. most overused words "I know thats right"
10. I was the happiest when I got a on going job.
11. I would like to have a a being more cinfident talent.
12.How skinny I am.
13. making it to be a senior most people dont make it this far.
14. My cell phone.
15. thinking about suicide
16. honesty and loyalty
17. Michelle Obama
18. Elastic girl
19. When people get an attitude with me.
20. Peacefully in my sleep.
ReplyDelete1. Being with family and friends and being able to be myself and just have fun
2. Spiders
3. My joy and kindness
4. Relaxed
5. Happiness
6. When playing around
7. My height
8. Humour
9. I guess
10. Being with my friends
11. Being able to sing
12. Make myself taller
13. Making others feel happy when they are sad
14. My cellphone
15. Holding grudges
16. Their advice
17. No figure
18. Cat women
19. Rude people
20. Fast
1. Perfect happiness is love, clearly, but no one seems to know what THAT is yet...
ReplyDelete2. Being elderly... It's like, scary.
3. My music collection, and love of expanding it
4. Confident
5. Humility, definitely
6. When the truth simply shouldn't be shared with anyone
7. Height, definitely. Everythng else though.... :)
8. Beauty for women. Humor for men.
9. I say clearly a lot... kinda made it poulr for a while
More to come, later on...
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ReplyDeletemarissa santana
ReplyDeletemaddy orcutt
ReplyDeletemaggie easton
ReplyDeleteOMG We Are Seniors! Class Of 2012....LETS GO!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNell Rus
ReplyDeleteshaela smells like butt ) but i still love her
ReplyDeleteLexus smells bad but i still love her :)
ReplyDeleteopps mean to put a smiley face lol =) =)
ReplyDelete1. Drawing and eating.
ReplyDelete2. Losing my hands.
4. I cannot effing wait to finish drawing my drawings.
5. Honesty.
6. Whenever it suits me.
7. Currently, my lack of an edge up.
8. A sense of humor.
9. What is that about?
10. About 8o'clock in los Montejanos in Ponce.
11. Pyrokinetics
12. My lack of a job.
13. Keeping Karim stable for 3 years.
14. My hands.
15. Couple summers ago, and I don't even know why.
16. Shier wit and their loyalty.
17. Salvador Dali...I guess?
18. Spawn
19. Betrayal
20. Horrific accident involving a hippo, a rollerskate, a blow torch, and a katana. I don't care how it happens, but as long as the criteria of present objects is met I'd be fine with it.
1. LeeAna stole free food, so free cake.
ReplyDelete2. insert portal joke here
3. det ash
4. hi i have slept 3 hours out of the past two days
5. Romance is Boring
6. When it would be better to lie and spare someone something horrible.
7. det ash
8. Beauty, humor and smarts. But beauty is objective.~
9. Anything from Homestuck. I am not even lying.
10. Before April.
11. All the luck. All of it.
12. Quite possible how my confidence decided to dip all of a sudden. The little betch. >:L
13. Not reading Pride and Prejudice then getting an A on a paper I did so late.
14. Hands. And imagination.
15. The point where you shake in your chair silently crying whilst trying to finish your summer work at 4am the day school starts.
16. Wit, Humor and an overall antagonistic yet friendly friendship. Because too nice a friend is a pushover, and too mean a friend ain't sheet.
17. Dunno.
18. Problem Sleuth.
19. Alex hating things lolwut
20. Peacefully in sleep.
where doing this man
1. Being happy with myself and being around other positive supportive people
ReplyDelete2. To be what people expect of me, and not what I actually want
3. Sports
4. Stressed
5. Happiness
6. When I feel the truth shouldn't be shared
7. My head is big :(
9. No
10. Around friends and/or family
11. To be able to play an instrument very well
12. My name
13. Becoming a senior
14. My comb
15. Suicidal thoughts
16. Honesty
17. None
18. Bumblebee
19. Dishonesty
20. In my home, quickly with no pain.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
ReplyDelete2. What is your greatest fear?
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
4. What is your current state of mind?
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie?
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
10. When and where were you happiest?
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
14. What is your most treasured possession?
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
16. What do you most value in your friends?
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
19. What is it that you most dislike?
20. How would you like to die?
my perfect happiness... is money love and power
My greatest fear... is spiders
My greatest extravagance is my spontaneously and i'm bit of an exhibitionist
My current state of mind is.............
1. listening to my ipod and being relax and being myself.
ReplyDelete2. Spiders is my biggest fear
3. Going to college and becoming a biologist
4. My state of mind is at peace and relax and no stress
5. Love and happiness is overrated
6. I lie when i feel like no one should no about my life
7. I dislike my weight and my hips
8. For a women...I like a women who have self-respect for herself and thinks highly of herself (no homo tho) for a man...I like a man who takes responsibility for his actions and not blame everyone else for something he did.
9. I say "I guess" and "Bite me" a lot
10. I was happy when i went to Florida and met some new family members.
11. To be able to play the flute.
12. If i could change anything about myself...I would change My weight and my attitude when i get upset because i have a bad habit taking out on many people
13. Getting honor roll 3 times last school year.
14. What is your most treasured possession?
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
16. What do you most value in your friends?
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
19. What is it that you most dislike?
20. How would you like to die?
ReplyDelete1. being happy. having friends and family around me that love me:)
3. my phone
4. bored
1. Having a family and friends and a loving husband :]
ReplyDelete2. Being alone and never being happy
3. My clothing, including shoes and sneakers lol
4. Fuck it!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. Having a great family and living by the beach to be able to enjoy everything.
ReplyDelete2. Scarey movies and creepy crawlers.
3. Would be having a great relationship with God.
4. a little tired and that I am excited that I am finally a SENIOR!!!!!
5. The Way that people think about others such as celebrities and how other criticizes there appearance.
6. When it would be better to lie to someone than tell the truth because they might get hurt.
7. When I doubt the way that I might look just because some others might not look or think the same as I do.
8. A man needs to be honest and hardworking . A girl needs to be trust worthy.
9. Like and what the Heck.
10. with my family enjoying precious time together.
11. To be able to draw.
12. Try not to be so judgmental sometimes.
13. Being on the national Honors society and being a SENIOR.
14. Bible or may be the jewelry my grandmother gave me before she passed.
15. When one thinks about suicide.
16. Sense of humor and honesty.
18. The Hulk
19. Fake people.
20. In my sleep I rather not feel anything.
1) Unconditional love and compassion from all surrounding me
ReplyDelete2) Suffocating or drowning to death
3) My greatest extravagance would have to be my new car
4) For the most part I am excited! (to be a senior)
5) Outer beauty
6) Um…when it is a matter of life or death or if it means saving a family member. Especially my little sister.
7) Nothing
8) Someone who is really good to their mom. That way I know they’ll be good to me =)
9) I use the word “like” in sentences too much…haha
10) Anywhere and with anyone as long as I am surrounded by people who are as upbeat and positive as I am.
11) I would love to be able to sing! Or draw….
12) My short temper
13) So far, I don’t know what my greatest achievement is. I’m only 17; I still have my whole life ahead of me to figure that out though.
14) My little sister Emma, even though she isn’t really an object.
15) Knowing that you’re losing the one you care most about.
16) Their personalities and the god times we share
17) No clue
18) Let’s say……SUPERMAN!
19) That moment when you really want some Oreos and you get the cookies out and everything all set up and you go and take a sip of milk and the milk is rotten
20) Doesn’t matter how as long as there is no pain.
1. My idea of perfect happiness is when everyone else is happy around me.
ReplyDelete2.My greatest fear is of me singing and people not liking anything that came out of my mouth.
3.Music books are my greatest extravagance
5. Being nice
6. I try not to, but if someone were to ask, “do I look fat in this” as much as I would love to say “yes you do!” I don’t and instead I lie to spare their feelings.
8.The quality I most like in a woman is when they can sing well and know the logistics of music as well.
9. “Hefa” (Heifer)
10. I was most happiest before my dad got in a car accident.
11. The talent I would most like to have would have to be being able to dance!
12. Nothing I am who I am for a reason, and nothing would change my mind.
13.Getting a full scholarship to college before I have even graduated.
14.My voice is my most treasured possession.
15. To look back when I am older and think that my whole life was a wasted.
16.The fact that they are all honest with me.
17.Leontyne Price
18.Green Lantern
19. I most dislike it when people refer to me as a “child” or when people say “kids” even “young people” gets under my skin.
20. Old, not alone, happy, peacefully, and wealthy enough that my grandchildren could live off of what I made.
1. My idea of perfect happiness is being in a comfortable place in a stable state of mind. Ironically, I’d particularly prefer a place like NYC where everything is fast paced and chaotic but, I find great peace there.
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear is FAILURE!
3. My greatest extravagance would have to be my dreams and how much I value them.
4. My current state of mind is tired.
5. Contentment is an overrated virtue.
6. I usually lie to get out of a troublesome situation.
7. I dislike my height. I want to be 6 feet or taller!
8. Overall sexiness, a sense of humor and being passionate about goals are the greatest qualities I most like in a woman.
9. I tend overuse literally, cool, aight and “OOOU!”
10. FIFA World Cup 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa and at my South African resort in Cape Town is where and when I was happiest.
11. I wish I knew how to play the piano and football actually.
12. If I could change one thing about I it would be my height … where is the height GOD?!
13. I have a bunch of great achievements but one would be, being able to represent my school as Student Government President!
14. My most treasured possessions are my creativity, blog (http://teamhardy.tumblr.com//), cell phone, wisdom and my large collection of shoes.
15. Having an overall contentment of where you are in life and not being willing to grow are very low depths of misery.
16. I most value my friend’s loyalty, trust and sense of humor.
17. I could easily say I’m most identified with Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama, or Malcom X but I haven’t reached my full potential in life so … I don’t know yet.
18. My favorite hero of fiction is Batman.
19. I most dislike when people down size my potential and life goals because of their opinions.
20. I would like to die in two ways, one is in an extremely tragic accident like a plane crash and another is of natural causes.
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ReplyDelete1. Relaxing on a remote island with the ones I love, thousands of miles away from all of the losers!
ReplyDelete2. Completely failing in life and never accomplishing any of my goals.
3. My sarcasm and the ability to reply to someone with a smart remark in .5 seconds.
4. Current state of mind-- I'm exhausted...can't wait to crash! I have a long awaited rendezvous with my bed :).
5. The most overrated virtue is beauty and style because both of these things can easily be taken away from anyone at any given time..then what will you have?
6. I lie when telling the truth will result in severe consequences.
7. My crooked teeth!
8. I like when a man is well balanced and won't ever let me walk all over him while at the same time lets me have my way sometimes.
9. "I guess.." "Kill yourself." "Eff it" "Whatever you say shorty"
10. When I was younger in elementary when life seemed so much less complicated.
11. The ability to draw.
12. If I could change one thing about myself it would be my nonchalant attitude...sometimes I wish I could care a lot more about certain things.
13. My greatest achievement would be remaining the same person I have always been, staying real to myself and never letting anyone or anything change me.
14. My cellphone and my iPod are my most prized possesions.
15. Lying so frequently to yourself and others that even YOU begin to believe your own lies!
16. Honesty and loyalty.
17. Rosa Parks. (I wouldn't have gotten my black ass up out of that seat in the front either!)
18. Wonder Woman
19. Liars.
20. I wouldn't "like" to...
1.Never being sad or angry.
ReplyDelete2.That human existence has no meaning and that after death there is nothing.
3.Fucking six dollar sandwiches from park & oxford deli. WORTH. IT.
4.New york
5.I think the most overrated virtue is Charity. I only look out for numero uno.
6. I lie to make a story more interesting.
7. I dislike my eyes the most. I don't know why, they just suck.
8. The quality I like most in a woman is an out-going, funny, personality.
9. Like,like,like,like,like,like.
10. I really don't keep track of these kinds of things.
11. I wish I had the talent of being able to start eating and never stop.
13. Not getting caught for the stupid stuff I've done!
14. A coin my grandfather gave to me before he died.
15. Sudan.
16. I think I value trustworthiness and intelligence more than anything. I don't think I could be friends with a backstabbing idiot. Just sayin'.
17. Salvador Dali. That guy was one of the weirdest, craziest, most respected artists of all time. I want to be like that.
18. Clarice Starling from The Silence of the Lambs, she's a bigger badass than almost any other character, man or woman.
19. People who think that their opinions are the truth.
20. I don't know but I want to be conscious and able to see it coming so that I can come to terms with it and be able to die without fear.
14. My I-pod
ReplyDelete15. Ummmm I'll say verbally abusing someone who don't deserve it
16. I value them being there for me when i need them
17. Fredrick Douglass
19. I dislike people who think they better or above people like their god and that's not the case
20. I would like to die in my sleep
5. Adulthood in the eyes of a child, because as you get older life is all about making choices and it's not guaranteed that you'll make the right ones
ReplyDelete17. I really don't know
ReplyDelete1. Being in perfect serenity with God, being married to my boyfriend for the rest of my life, and living down south on the beach
ReplyDelete2. Heartbreak and losing the ones I love
3. My dancing
4. Happiness
5. Honesty
6. When I don't want someone to know my business
7. My theighs
8. I love when a guy can make me laugh, and he has to be honest and loyal
9. I overuse "oh my gosh"
10. During the summer camping in the Adirondacks with the one I love
11. I would love to be an amazing dancer
12. I would change the size of my theighs, have more confidence, and be better at math
13. The fact that I'm graduating this year
14. My Bible, my iPod, and my necklace
15. When your so miserable you push away the people you love
16. We give eachother great advice
17. I have no clue
18. Spiderman
19. When a guy cheats on his girlfriend with another girl who doesn't even compare to her and someone who brags about themselves nonstop
20. Next to the one I love
1. Living life & Dancing anywhere and anytime
ReplyDelete2. Waking up & not being able to dance
3. Movement of my body
4. Uhhh staying home tonight while everyone goes out in NYC come on 18 you are being a bitch
5. Money, Sex,& Lies
6. If i break something I wasn't supposed to touch
7. Emotions.. I cry over the stupidest things
8. Her elegance & presentation..His respect & trust
9. Shawty and RAHTID !
10. Anything when i"m with him (:
11. God blessed me with that already .. to dance(:
12. My attitude
13. Dancing & not the trophies or the plaques , the ability
14. My Heart
15. thought of suicide
16. Love & Trust
17.Alvin Ailey
18. The good guy
19. I hate when people tell me I can't achieve a goal
20. Peacefully & no pain also loved by family,friends,etc.
1. My idea of perfect happiness would be to always love and be loved and loved back. . .certain loved ones would get along and CalebCotton <3
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear is to lose the ones i love and to fail a life .
3. I wouldnt know .
4. Graduation <3
5. Money makes you happy
6. Uhh i find no point in it .
7. My toes
8. Trust and loyalty .
9. Blahhhhhhhh
10. When im with the one i love <3
11. The ability to walk on water .
12. Being difficult .
13. Making it to senior year <3
14. My necklace my dad got me .
15. When idkkkk
16. Trust
17. Ghandi
18. Hulk
19. Liars and liars and smelly people .
20. In my sleep with my love <3
Asia Vanderveen
ReplyDelete1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
-Having an endless supply of soft tacos.
2. What is your greatest fear?
-Spiders and failure.
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
-Weave and Shopping
4. What is your current state of mind?
-Very happy
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie?
I don't, the truth hurts.
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
My height.
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
Sense of humor.
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Shut the f--- up, oh my gosh, okay.
10. When and where were you happiest?
When I met tyga on my 15th birthday.
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
To fly
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Going to N.Y.C for a photoshoot
14. What is your most treasured possession?
My cell phone
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Being unwanted.
16. What do you most value in your friends?
Honesty and trust
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
There's none.
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
The Green Hornet. He looks mad good :)
19. What is it that you most dislike?
Fake people and clowns, they're scary
20. How would you like to die?
Choking on a taco shell.
1. My idea of perfect happiness would be living in a peaceful and loving world and only paying taxes to go to college.
ReplyDelete2. Not being able to sing when I wake up
3. My voice.
4. Anxious about how this year is going to turn out.
5. Lying and Overspending
6. I have lied to get out of trouble; unfortunately I would get into more trouble.
7. My thighs because I think they’re really big
8. How strong he is, both mentally and physically.
9. “Dude”, “nigga”(the slang word for nigger), “I guess”, “smh” (shaking my head), and” WOW”
10. At church or at school singing.
11. I wish that I knew how to play the drums.
12. If you could change one thing about myself, I would not let people walk all over me.
13. Making it to 17 and I’m alive and I’m not pregnant.
14. My life.
15. Feeling unwanted and unloved.
16. Honesty and trust.
17. Ella Fitzgerald.
18. Storm from X-Men.
19. People who lack commom sense and being disrespected.
20. I would like to die in the arms of my husband when I have done everything that I’m supposed to do in life
1. My perfect idea of happiness would be a mindset that I’m “untouchable.” Being high on life, and being content with that point in my life, and those who surround me.
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear would be disappointing my family and myself. I of course want to live and grow to my full potential, as does my family, and doing anything short of just that scares me.
3. My greatest extravagance would be my car Mason<3. I mean is not a brand new BMW or Range Rover, but it gets me from point A to point B, runs well, is good on gas, and I’m thankful for my car.
4. My current state of mind is that I need to focus on myself and make myself the number one priority. The upcoming months are going to be tremendously draining and stressful, and any extra nonsense will only make it harder. So, my mindset is basically focus on what’s placed in front of you to obtain you dreams, everything else is irrelevant for the time being.
5. Sex, Money, Fame seem to be the most overrated virtues in my opinion.
6. I lie to keep myself from getting in trouble for major things (which never works out anyway.) But, when it comes to friends, I rarely lie, the truth hurts but if I were a true friend I wouldn’t lie to you no matter how bad it’s going to hurt you, you’ll appreciate it in the long run. You’re welcome☺
7. I dislike my weight.
8. Qualities in a woman; Poise, Elegance, Intelligence, Determination, Independence
Qualities in a man; Humility, Swag, Drive, Honestly, Charisma, Intelligence, Maturity
9. Words I overuse: Fail, Epic Fail, Grreeaatt, You’re Cool, Yeeeehhhhhaaa. I just use common words and drag out the syllables.
10. Honestly, I’m the happiest when I’m with my sister Tamara, and my good friend Caitlin. Also, whenever I’m at a cheerleading competition, competing or not, I just love the atmosphere.
11. I would like to have the talent of reading people. Ex. How some people can just tell when others are lying or not telling the whole story. Maybe that’s more learned but its definitely a talent.
12. If I could change one thing about myself, I would be more trusting of people. I tend to shut people out for a long time before I express how I truly feel about them or even about what’s bothering me. I mean, having a wall up does keep you from getting hurt, but it also pushes people away, people who could of changed your life.
13. At this current time, my greatest achievement is not falling into the same paths as some other students.
14. My most treasured possestions would have to be a tie between my car and my cell phone.
15. I would regard helplessness as the lowest depth of misery.
16. Loyalty is everything.
17. She may not seem like a real historical figure or seem like a very cliché’ one, but I would say Marilyn Monroe just because of some of her ideas and thoughts on certain things.
18. My favorite hero of fiction would be Hua Mulan (like the Disney movie, but the real Chinese legend)
19. People who disregard other people and their opinons bc they do not directly relate to that of their own. I just feel everyone should just be down to earth and except people for who they are. Just get over yourself and everything will be fine.
20. Like Noah and Allie in the Notebook, cliché but who cares.
1) Plating with kids, being with family and friends
ReplyDelete2) Bugs!
3) Vera Bradley bags
4) Happy and excited
5) Ambition
6) I lie to make someone feel better
7) My nose.
8) Qualities in a man: kindness, humor, happiness, smart, tall
9) The word I most overuse is like and what
10) When I'm holding a baby, playing with kids, or baking.
11) I would like to have the talent to do hair.
12) If I could change one thing about me, it would be to be more confident.
13) My greatest achievement is the many kids I taught to swim
14) My most treasured possesions would be cookbooks and items my grandmother gave me.
15) Loneliness and unhappiness would be the lowest depth of misery
16) Loyalty and fun.
17) Jackie Kennedy
18) Cinderella
19)Messy and disorganized things
20) Noah and Allie from the notebook, of course.
1: a soft kicking round with no drop at 600 yards
ReplyDelete2: social interaction in a non-combat based situation
3: blade work
4: eager
5: beauty
6: when properly prompted with an opportunity to be sarcastic
7: i am easy to spot.
8: situational awareness
9: dude,1911, and rails
10: on the range or in the stables
11: gunsmithing
12: i would have better eyes
13: fighting at the kanreikai
14: my japanese katana
15: a desperate, unhappy relationship
16: consistency
17: not sure
18: i do not have a hero
19: intolerance
20: alone in a large open field with long grass, a single oak tree, and the wind blowing on a sunny day or in combat
Hey Ms. Parker~
ReplyDeleteI hope my e-mail with my response came to you ok...
For some reason I can only post when I write directly onto the blog (like I am now). I had my response first typed into Word, but when I tried to drag and drop it in, it wouldn't respond/post. Believe me... I have tried with two computers already, both multiple times each. :(
Am I only allowed to type in the blog box for my response to post?
Thanks for your help!
1. My idea of perfect happiness is being content with myself. As long as I don't have any regrets or worries then i'm happy :)
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear is spiders! & i'm also afraid to fail.
3. My greatest extravagance is my phone I guess.
4. My current state of mind is calm.
5. The most overrated virtue is confidence. The majority of the time its just a front to seem cool.
6. I usually don't lie. I just tell you the part of the story I want you to hear :)
7. My tummy :/
8. They both have to have nice teeth. Your smile is everything :D
9. "That's rude" & "I guess"
10. When I'm with true friends. Doesnt matter where.
11. I wish I could play the violin...or be able to do gymnastics.
12. My ability to procrastinate.
13. Not falling into peer pressure. Not falling into the stereotypes of the average Black teenage girl.
14. My mom lol.
15. Being alone.
16. laughter & loyalty.
17. It's so sad that I can't even think of one.
18. Captain Underpants!
19. Lies!
20. From old age.
1. Being around the ones I love and that make me happy, while not stressing or worrying about anything.
ReplyDelete2. Losing the people important to me. Spiders:/
3. The fact that I went to Europe.
4. Trying to enjoy life without unecessary stress.
5. Money and lies.
6. Honestly, if I know I'm about to get into a lot of trouble. Sometimes I lie to get myself out of it.
7. My nose and arms.
8. Funny, honesty, trustworthy.
9. I say like allll the time, ...right now, seriously.
10. Probably when I was in Europe with my best friend. Despite everything around us, I was happy just to be there with her.
11. I wish I could actually dance:/
12. To be more open to certain things, and stop procrastinating.
13. Making it all the way through high school, almost:)
14. My ipod.
15. Loneliness
16. Loyalty, trust, having fun.
17. Marilyn Monroe for sure.
18. Can't think of one right now...
19. People who think they know everything and are always right, liars.
20. Peacefully with someone I love.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. A state of mind, or a state in which that state of mind is reached is my idea of happiness.
ReplyDelete2. Having fingers/limbs cut off (meaning an inability to play the saxophone) would be my greatest fear.
3. Music???
4. My current state of mind is contemplative.
5. Musical "talent" is my most overrated virtue.
6. I lie when it would hurt somebody or something more if I didn't lie.
7. I don't really think like that, so I can't really answer this question.
8. An open mind is crucial.
9. "Yeah, man." is my most overused phrase.
10. Alone in the Adirondacks with nothing around except my thoughts, my saxophone, and the vibrations that make up the universe.
11. A way with words would be nice to have.
12. I honestly cannot come up with an answer for this question. Anything that I can think of that I would change about myself is in the process of changing; meaning I cannot think of anything that couldn't be fixed without a genie.
13. This is another question I have trouble answering, because I generally do not think of my life in landmarks.
14. My saxophone is my most treasured possession.
15. For humans, I think that loneliness would be the lowest depth of misery.
16. Open mindedness and a greater understanding among friends.
17. John Coltrane is the person that I understand the most and whose life, ideas, concepts, and music make the most sense to me.
18. Clive Cusslers' Dirk Pitt is my favorite fictional hero.
19. I dislike ignorance, if you had to put a word to it.
20. I haven't really thought about exactly HOW I would like to die, just the circumstances around the death. I don't think I have a preference.
1. my idea of perfect happiness is family
ReplyDelete2. my greatest fear is failure
3. my greatest extravagance is ... im not sure
4. current state of mind is graduating
5. i consider the most overrated virtue to be money ( people say it makes them happy )
6. i dont lie
7. i dislike nothing about my appearance
8. i like for a man to be honest & loyal
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
10. i was happiest when i was with my little sister
11. my talent is singing
12. being afraid of failing
13. my greatest achievement is making it where i am in life
14. my most treasured possession is my grandmothers ring which i wear around my neck
15. the lowest depth of misery is feeling as if you have no purpose in life
16. What i most value in my friends is honesty & to be laid back & relaxed not too pushy or demanding
17. im not sure
18. dont have one
19. being questioned about my actions & the choices i make
20. peacefully
1. My idea of perfect happiness is to be married to my soulmate and become successful in life!
ReplyDelete2.Worms and Scary Movies!
3.My Prairie Dog!
5.clothes,Money and going to the club!
6.To get out of trouble!
7. My toes!
8.i love honesty and personality in a man!
10. my sixteen birthday
11. To be able to Sing
12. My weight!
13.My greatest achievement is making wise descions to be where im at now
14. my quince ring and necklace my sister gave me
15. suicide
16. their personalitys and they are spontanous!
17. i dont have one
18. Superman!
19. rude people!
20. next to my loved one and at a old age peacefully
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ReplyDelete1. My idea of perfect happiness is when I feel satisfied.
ReplyDelete2. My greatest fear has to be watching a love one die slowly.
3. My greatest extravagance is my Pandora Bracelet.
4. My current state of mind is calm.
5. I consider money OVERATED.
6. I lie when I know the truth will hurt.
7. I hate my height!
8. Humor: D
9. I overuse the word Like… Like a lot.
10. When I am with my family.
11. To actually be able to sing would be nice.
12. My shoe size.
13. My greatest achievement was attending President Obama’s inauguration.
14. My little sister’s.
15. Thinking of suicide.
16. Loyalty.
17. Mrs. Obama
18. Cat Women
19. Compulsive Liars.
20. Asleep.
1.Love, Trust, Friends, Family
ReplyDelete2. The Dark...seriously
3. Phone & Ipod
4. Content
5. Sex and Happiness
6. to my parents
7. my legs
8. There Masculinity :D
9. "Yasss Honeeeyy"
10.Sleep or with my b.f
11.I Kinda Already got it
12.My Feet lol
13. Choreographing for Dance Concert i Guess
14. my family
15. homicide or suicide
16. there Honesty...i hope
17. ?????
18.Wonder Women
1. love and honesty
ReplyDelete2. death
3. phone and music
4. calm
5. money
6. when its not that serious, but if its serious, i cant lie. im not a good liar
7. um my legs
8. honesty, humor
9. "lol" "right"
10. when im with my family and friends, bf
11. patience
12. my "shyness"
13. never failing a grade lol
14. my phoneeee
15. suicide
16. their honesty and loyalty
17. huh?
18. wonder woman
19. liars
20. i would like to live, but in my sleep
Will Dillard-Jackson Part 2
ReplyDelete6) The occasion that i seem to lie i would say never. I really don't like to like simply because once you start lying you might not be able ti stop !
7) What do I dislike about my appearance? I would to say my nose, simply because its look really huge .... but in no way do I want a nose job it makes me, me !
8) The quality that I most look for is the quality of being yourself and living for you, because "if you can't love yourself how the hell can you love someone else !"
9) sick'ning, WHAT ! wowwwzers (words that are not correct)
10) iI would have tp say that i am most happiest when i am performing . however corny it may be, when I am performing i feel most alive.... maybe because all eyes are on me which is the way that I like it !
11) the talent i want is to be able to sing , well ........ be able to sing better because if i could sung better I think that i would be able to set the world on fire .
12) i would change the quality of self-doubt, I sometime knock my self out before i start the match.
13) my greatest achievement is LIVING, so many take there own lives because life has gotten down on them and they felt no other way out , but me I am a survivor!
14) most treasured possession ..... my talent, or the lack there of.......
15) the lowest depth of misery has to be the feeling of being stuck, felling that you are lost in this world (a lesson you must figure out all by yourself)
16) I most value the humor of my friends, because we can feel defeated but somehow we are able to laugh ourselves out of any rut
17) hmmm I most identify with William Shakespeare simply because he was a hopeless romantic and so AM I
18) my favorite hero would have to be the amazing Spider-man .... hmmm he is just so AWESOME
19) I would have to say .... cocky people , people who think that they are better than they actually are (i think that sometimes even I am guilty of this)
20) I would like to go peacefully in my sleep, but being the superstar that I am would like to die some horrible way , just so I can make some national news !
Here comes the second half...
ReplyDelete10. Onstage, on the set, anytime I get to work on a show basically
11. If I could play an instrument, that'd be wicked cool. Preferably piano or drum.
12. I lack patience and I would change that if I could
13. I haven't done anything phenomenal enough to be "greatest achievement" material, but I beat a ton of statistics already, so that's a start
14. Whatever talents I possess are my most valuable possessions
15. Suicidal thoughts, especially when they come from guilt, or a sense of utter failure, not just the regular run-of-the-mill hopelessness.
16. Humor and loyalty
17. Zhuge Liang, or Eva Peron. Two completely different personas, yeah?
18. Lelouch Lamperouge, or Batman
19. Hypocrisy, and rapists of all kinds!
20. Young and quickly, with nothing to worry about afterwards.
vifhvokc :)
ReplyDelete1. i dont want perfect happiness?
ReplyDelete2. bull sharks
3. buying alot of take out food
4. grateful
5. anger
6. to make a story better
7. my finger nails!
8. they hafe to have that amostoher that just makes them diffrent
9. this looks like a saw trape
10. on my birther day at Emilyyys house
11. really quick on my feet
12. not be so lazy
13. this short fim i did in two days
14. a note i have
15. when you stop caring about everything
16. good peapole
17. geronimo
18. iron man
19. sentapeeds
20. i wouldnt
BTW im zach bellucci. just realized im signed in as gamething.
ReplyDelete1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
ReplyDelete* Living with no worry
2. What is your greatest fear?
*Losing everybody that i love
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
*My spontaneous personality
4. What is your current state of mind?
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
*Trying to "fit in".
6. On what occasion do you lie?
*If I'm about to get in trouble
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
*Small boobs :-(
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
*A man who can be my equal (intellectually, physically...)
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
*Word? ... Check you out... You know what I mean?
10. When and where were you happiest?
*When I was little with both of my parents in my life.
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
*The ability to remember instantly everything that i read.
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
*My past...
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
*Becoming an NHS member
14. What is your most treasured possession?
*My social life
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
*When you can no longer support your child
16. What do you most value in your friends?
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
*Cleopatra :-)
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
*The Hulk
19. What is it that you most dislike?
*Stupid People!!
20. How would you like to die?
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? -being successful in life
ReplyDelete2. What is your greatest fear? -death and failure
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
4. What is your current state of mind? must move forward
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie? if i dont wanna get in trouble
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance? it all depends
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man? good head on their shoulders
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? dismissed
10. When and where were you happiest? when im laughing and having fun
11. Which talent would you most like to have? drawing
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? holding grudges
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement? living each and everyday
14. What is your most treasured possession? my teddy bear
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
16. What do you most value in your friends? honesty
17. What historical figure do you most identify with? MLK jr.
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction? Midnight
19. What is it that you most dislike? every and anything
20. How would you like to die? in my sleep, peacefully =)
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
ReplyDelete2. What is your greatest fear?
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
4. What is your current state of mind?
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie?
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
10. When and where were you happiest?
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
14. What is your most treasured possession?
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
16. What do you most value in your friends?
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
19. What is it that you most dislike?
20. How would you like to die?
my perfect happiness... is money love and power
My greatest fear... is spiders
My greatest extravagance is my spontaneously and i'm bit of an exhibitionist
My current state of mind is... fuck it
The most overrated virtue is sex of course n black power
I lie when i dont think i will benefit from telling the truth or when i think i will hurt someone that i love
I hate my stomach it sucks
I love the strong quality of a man (srength)
The phrases i most use are...fuccckkk ittt... my gee... you stupid
I was happiest when i was with my ex boo shaquan
The talent i would most like;y like to have would be, the ability to see the future
If i could change one thing about myself would be my sensitiveness and quick temper
My greatest achievment would probably have been wen i lost 40 pounds for cheerleading
My most treasured possession is my social life.
The lowest depth of misery is turning gay or lesbian because you were tired of rejection from the opposite sex.
I treasure their "nonjudgementalness"
I most identify with marilyn monroe
My favorite hero in fiction is superman
I most dislike when people ignore me
I want to die having sex.
1. Being perfectly happy.
ReplyDelete2. Some one breaking into my house and stabbing me to death..... it can happen
3. My will power.
4. *cricket cricket*
5. lust
7. my elbows
8. maturity
10. i don't know.
11. a great singing voice
12. i like me the way i am
13. writing the most awesome play ever
14. my bed<3
15. not having anyone to talk about being miserable with,
16. caring friends are the best friends!
17. Hitler
18. Thor
19. the devil
20. does it matter?
1. my perfect idea of happiness is to be a billion or millionaire and to have a beautiful family
ReplyDelete2. my greatest fear is dying in my sleep
3. my greatest extravagance is my car
4. my current state of mind is "Progress"
5. the most overrated virtue is video games
6. I lie when it's necessary, if I don't want people knowing certain information
7.I don't dislike anything about my appearance
8. the quality I like most in a woman is intelligence
9. I use the word "dude" the most
10. I was the most happiest when I blocked Leon Josuha Melon shot in a basketball game and it reflected off the backboard #classic
11. I would like to have the talent to play the guitar
12. I would change my eyes
13. my greatest achievement was when I recieved a 4.0 on a report card.. idk
14. my most treasured possession is my car
15. being alone
17. NaS
18. I don't like heroes but my favorite villain is Lex Luthor
19. I hate liars and crusty lip girls
20. I would like to die on the toliet when i'm 80.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
ReplyDeleteliving life without any problems or any troubles
2. What is your greatest fear?
dying alone
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
money clothes
4. What is your current state of mind?
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
6. On what occasion do you lie?
only sometimes when its really needed. lol :)
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man?
nice personality can make me laugh and good looking
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
nigga, dookie, ugly
10. When and where were you happiest?
ive been happy too many times to count
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
idk. the way that i judge people even when i dont know whats going on in their personal life
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
14. What is your most treasured possession?
my life
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
being left alone without anyone
16. What do you most value in your friends?
their loyalty and trust
17. What historical figure do you most identify with?
no one
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
i dont really watch hero things but i guess superman
19. What is it that you most dislike?
when people smack when their eating something or when people LIE. I HATE LIARS
20. How would you like to die?
.peacefully in my sleep or something nice. if i had a choice to die violently i would choose to be shot in my head so that i could die instantly without pain.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? My idea of perfect happiness is being a home owner in Alanta, Georgia and having my career set off.
ReplyDelete2. What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear is being set up by people I thought cared about me.
3. What is your greatest extravagance? My greatest extravagance is having a permanent vacation in Hawaii.
4. What is your current state of mind? My current state of mind is graduating and my life after high school ( college ).
5. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Monogamy
6. On what occasion do you lie? I try not to lie. lol
7. What do you dislike most about your appearance? When my eyebrows are3 not done ;(
8. What is the quality you most like in a woman? Man? Honesty
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
10. When and where were you happiest?
Right now i feel the most happiest i have been.
11. Which talent would you most like to have?
Being able to act :)
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
13. What do you consider your greatest achievement? My greatest aCHIEVMENT WILL BE WHEN I WALK ACROSS THE STAGE TO RECIEVE MY SOTA DIPLOMA.
14. What is your most treasured possessioN?
My most treasured posession is is my money & paychecks.
15. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Being broke & depressed
16. What do you most value in your friends?
Honesty and connection
17. What historical figure do you most identify with? the 1200's bc lol
18. What is your favorite hero of fiction?
19. What is it that you most dislike?
20. How would you like to die?
i would not like to die. . . .
ReplyDelete1.My perfect idea of happiness is to be sucessful, married, and happy.
2.My greatest fear is to be unsucessful.
3.My greatest extravagance is books.
4.I am currently bored.
5.The most overrated virtue is to be perfect.
6.I lie when its necessary, or to protect someone's feelings.
7.I dislike my eyes the most.
8.I like gentlemen.
9.The phrase I overuse the most is ok.
10.I was happiest when my grandmother was alive and i used to play at her house.
11.The talent that I would most like to have is the ability to sing.
12.I would change my attitude.
13.My greatest achievement was when I got to serve homeless people Thanksgiving dinner.
14.My most treasured posession is nothing.
15.The lowest depth of misery in my opinion is when your depressed and to the point that you consider suicide.
16.I value honesty most in friends.
17.The historical figure that I identify most with is unknown.
18.My favorite hero of fiction is
19.I dislike the most
20.I would like to die when im very old, have sucess and sucessful kids, and a bunch of grand kids. I would also like it to be peaceful, like in my sleep or something.