1.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
2.Speech is how an individual expresses oneself verbally, non-verbally, visually or symbolically.
3. opinions, artistic expression (painting, music, poetry, motion pictures, dramatic works, radio and television entertainment, drawings, engravings), as long as they do not cause real harm - see J.Steward Mill, and the perceived offensive material does not have to be confronted daily, as in the course of normal routine.
4. defamation:accusations that purport to be true
5.fighting words- those words that by their utterance inflict injury or incite immediate breach of the peace.
6. same as 5-oops!
7. it is a crime to incite (urge or encourage someone to act in a violent or unlawful way).
8. sedition- incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
9. speech is restricted if it constitutes the establishment of a religion. In terms of prayer in school, some argue that that restricts freedom of religion, but this would fall under spiritual injury and under Mill's harm principle (physical and economic) is not valid harm.
10. economic and physical harm
A wise history teacher (whom I don’t know, but I like what she said) once wrote in an e-mail: “I’d like to make a big plea for teaching students to look for Point of View, and not bias. They misuse ‘bias’ so much that it hurts to read. In most minds, ‘bias’ is BAD; and they get in the habit of writing the phrase ‘it is biased because’ – which, of course, makes the reader start grinding her teeth.” So, the moral of the story is: DON’T BE THAT STUDENT. Become familiar with the following terms and their definitions, and then get in the habit of using “point of view” OR “perspective” when discussing documents.
These terms have a NEGATIVE value attached to them:
bias (n.): a mental leaning or inclination; partiality; prejudice
biased (vb.): to cause to have a bias; influence; prejudice
These terms have a NEUTRAL value attached to them:
perspective (n.): the relationship or proportion of the parts of a whole, regarded from a particular stand or point in time; the interrelation in which a subject and its parts are mentally viewed
point of view (n.): the place from which, or way in which, something is viewed or considered; standpoint; a mental attitude or opinion
First Amendment scenario essay: Grading was based primarily on content, whereby you argued your reasoning for one of the scenarios based upon the First Amendment.
Number 1- "Piss Christ"- yes it stays: symbolic speech, minority views get a voice, causing no physical or economic harm (spiritual harm is not legally valid); government can sponser this, as they cannot intrude into religion (but is it even religious?), but more importantly Congress does not participate in the decision to grant or deny National Endowment for the Arts funding; obsentity? community standards can be argued; no, it goes: interesting arguments as the image could be considered "fighting words", but then again the courts have become more restrictive on this, as "reasonable" people should be able to control themselves; so the only way that you might get this taken down is that is causes economic harm, as people's routines have been impacted, so as they can't get to work.
Number 2- a critic works under the umbrella of opinion. Yes, there could be economic harm, but her word is subjective and really of no legal weight. In contrast, someone who claims to have found cockroaches, better be able to prove it. Otherwise, this is defamation.
Please read the paragraph below.
Discerning fact from opinion is a basic skill – and obligation
— Journalists must clearly separate and label fact from opinion in their reporting of information to communities and they should make concerted efforts to ensure that citizens know how to tell the difference. This includes news and news analysis, the news organizations’ and individuals’ opinions (columns, commentary, editorials, letters to the editor), advertising, advocacy ads and advocacy reporting.
— The public must make it a priority to learn the difference between fact and opinion and make it a skill to help others in their communities know the difference. Individuals must wield the right to challenge what communicators claim is fact and what is opinion. People must demand transparency and credibility of information. Readers and viewers must look at information beyond their circle of comfort so they obtain complete and thorough data before acting. These obligations include evaluating what they receive and verifying what they develop on their own.
In class: complete the handout. A copy is below, if you are not in class.
Go to Laura Ingraham's Site: http://www.lauraingraham.com/
Journalism News bias Conservative Talk (don’t worry we’ll look at liberal also)
Go to this Laura Ingraham’s site: http://www.lauraingraham.com/
1. List three headlines that indicate that there is a distinct bias on this site.
2. Now take a look at the “Lie of the Day.” Why message is conveyed by calling these words a lie?
3. Peruse the “Separated at Birth”. By pairing these pictures, what views are being cultivated?
4. Now watch three video clips and list two phrases from each that put a red flag up that this is bias and not merely perspective.
a. Title: _________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
b. Title:________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________-
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