Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday 15 December advertising
So exactly what does Parker mean when she says she wants an analysis of the commericials we are making.
Response: answer in paragraph form the following.
What is your commericial about? Include who your target audience is in terms of age, economics, region, etc.
Now analyze your commercial in terms of rhetorical devices, that is logos, ethos and pathos. What aspects of these show up in your commercial and how have you specifically accomplished this.
Next move on to the persuasive techniques you employed. Remember you were required to use two. Discuss your choices, why you chose these for your particular ad and how they were designed to work. Finally, tell us to what extent they were successful. Be specific.
Your third topic are the production techniques. I realize that we are limited. Imagine your ideal. Why did you choose certain camera angles, colors, music, slogans, etc. What worked and what would have worked better?
Lastly, conclude with an overall reflection on the project. What obstacles did you encounter? Would your product in the manner your delivered to your target audience be successful? Why or why not?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tuesday 13 December Advertising Project Directions

In groups of two, you will design your own commercial to perform live in front of the class on Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, December 20. You may advertise a product of your choice, or create your own product. If you create your own product, you must explain what that product is, what it does, who uses it, etc. in your final script.
After you have decided on a product, consider who your target audience will be and keep this in mind as you begin to write your commercial. The commercials must be one minute long and memorized. They must include at least two of the persuasive techniques we have analyzed. Refer to the blog for a list of these techniques. Your commercial must also include music and/or sound effects, using the knowledge you gained of media production techniques. On Monday and Tuesday of next week, you will perform these commercials for the class. Aside from your performance you must hand in a script of your commercial, including…
1. -The dialogue, including stage directions (i.e. boy walks in with Snickers in his hand)
2. -Your target audience
3. -The two persuasive techniques you chose to use and how they were used, as well as the rhetorical techniques used (ethos, logos, pathos)
4. -The music that is included and when it is cued
5. -The lighting, framing, color, etc. that would occur if this really appeared on television
6. -A description of your product if you have created your own
You will be graded on:
-Use of persuasive techniques
-Use of media effects (music and/or sound effects)
-A script that includes your target audience, the techniques you have chosen, and your dialogue
-Memorization of your commercial
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Monday December 12 advertising production techniques

Today will be our last day covering new advertising will begin working on your own commercials tomorrow. Before you start on your project I wanted to give you some information on the different production techniques used in creating an advertisement. We have covered the rhetorical devices of ethos, logos, and pathos, as well as various persuasive techniques. The media effects in an advertisement can convey just as much meaning, though, and it is important for us to understand these production techniques in order to separate style from substance and determine how we are being persuaded. Advertisers use the power of visual elements when selling their product. A message can be delivered through the music, color, or framing of the shots. Choose two of the following commericials and analyze using the following criteria. See choices at the end of the blog. I have a class handout, but if you are absent, please just do this on a word document and send it along. Due at the end of class.
What is featured prominently?
What immediately draws my eye?
How are lighting and/or camera angles used to enhance the product?
What, if any, special effects are used to grab the viewer's attention or to make the product look exciting?
How is color used? Does it cause any emotion within you? Does it connect to the product in any way? (i.e. red = warmth, energy)
What does the slogan say?
Listening is just as important as the noting the visuals. Close your eyes during a commercial. If it is an effective commercial, the sound effects and music alone will convey the message and the image the advertiser is trying to relay. Ask yourself...
What mood does the music create? How does it affect me?
What sound effects are used? Do they make the commercial more appealing, realistic, or exciting?
For your own
1. camera angle: angle at which the camera is positioned during a shot; high-angle shots make a product look small, while low-angle shots make a product appear larger
2. color: used to convey meanings, associations, or feelings; for example, the color white is often associated with purity, while red is associated with warmth and energy
3. copy: printed text in advertisements; copy can include catchy phrases, factual information, or persuasive language intended to have an emotional impact
4. editing: selection and arrangement of camera shots for a TV ad; each shot is selected and arranged to create a persuasive effect
5. framing: position of a product and objects within the “frame” of a screen or an image; arrangement of objects can convey ideas and relationships
6. layout: design and arrangement of the text and visual elements in a print ad; advertisers consider the size of visuals; amount of copy; and placement of the product, logo, and slogan
7. lighting: deliberate use of light and shadow to create mood or suggest certain feelings; for example, ads for greeting cards often use soft lighting and no shadows to match the warmth and happiness that cards bring to recipients
8. slogan: memorable phrase used in a series of ads; viewers remember the slogan and associate it with the product
9. special effects: computer-generated animation, manipulated video images, and fast and slow motion used in TV ads; special effects are often used to capture viewers’ attention or make products look more exciting
10. jingle: short, catchy tune used in TV and radio ads; usually mention the product name or its benefits; effective jingles remain in people’s memories long after the ad is over, and some become part of popular culture.
11. music: popular songs or original compositions created specifically for an ad or a product; advertisers select music that will enhance the image of the product or appeal to the target audience; for example, classical music can convey a sophisticated image
12. sound effects: sounds added to ads during the editing process, such as the sound of crunching potato chips or the bubbling sound of soda being poured; effect is to make viewers thirsty or hungry for the product
13. voice-over: unseen commentator or narrator of a TV ad or radio spot; sometimes, actors with memorable voices deliver the voice-overs for ads
class interviews
Amatahla by Jessica
I patiently await Amatahla, whom I hear is eager to interview with me. She walks in with a smile that does not falter; she is clad in blue jeans and a vest that fits the cold fall weather. As we begin to introduce ourselves I begin to notice that there are a lot of dreams and thoughts in her mind. From afar you can tell she is confident and ready, and not at all scared of what faces her in the future. Her answers are not brief. And she pauses before speaking her mind, as to not say the wrong words. One thing that I am sure of is that her head is in the right place. Not many 17 year olds have their mind set in the health career, especially the work that is required to gain such a degree. I am surprised to find that her favorite color is pink quoting that “Pink is girly, bright, and easy to arrange in her wardrobe “. I can see that she has interviewed before and knows how to handle herself. We move on to more complex questions that require thought, when I ask her “If you had the opportunity to go into the future and see it would you?” At first she has doubts and answers with a quiet yes but then she exclaims that she would want to see how successful she has become and what she has accomplished. Se contradicts herself as she says, “I would not want to see my failures though, that would be difficult. She knows the reality of making decisions and how it can dramatically alter her future if she makes the wrong decision. The sun is fading outside as if to signify our interview is coming to an end. One would not know what an inspirational person she is, unless you took the time to know her great persona that makes the person feel at ease. As I ask her the simplest of questions, she answers with concise and brief answers. My focus is placed on her accuracy. On a lighter note I asked her “if your house was burning down what object or thing living or inanimate would you save? She placed family as her high priority. Her cell phone came second. This suggests that she is family oriented and a little bit obsessed with her cell phone. With this charisma and determination, anything is possible for her.
Janiqua by Latriece Wilson
Greeting a very happy Janiqua, wearing a red shirt (my favorite color by the way), the interview I had with her went very well. Janiuqa a theater tech major at School of The Arts have been involved in many of the plays that has taken place at School Of The Arts. Loving to build things Janiqua has taken a huge interest in building sets and creating sets that she may want to further work in the Theater teching field in college. In school Janiqua, who has been on honor role since being at SOTA has excelled in her academic and also art classes, calling school “stressful”, Janiqua really loves it and plan on going to school next Fall School year. Embarking on college Janiqua wants to study medicine and become a pediatrician. Saying with a warm smile “ I really like kids , and love to help people so why not become a pediatrician”, Janiqua looked as if becoming a pediatrician is definitely what she wants to do. Socially Janiqua repeatedly said how she likes to have a select few friends calling them her “Loop”. “I like to have only a few trusted friends around, just to stay away and out of drama”. Janiqua playfully talks about how she likes to play around and chill with her friends whenever she’s free, and laugh at how none of them can dance. Volunteering not her hobby per say, Janiqua wants to hopefully make it soon because she says she “needs it”. Ending the interview with a a laugh about Janiqua’s really stylish glasses Janiqua kgives hope for teens of the 21st century showing that not everyone has to beretro that there are still traditional teens today.
Calvin by Matt
It was a little odd to see the familiar smiling face of Calvin Latimer without a saxophone in front of it; for I have grown to know him mostly through various bands and ensembles throughout our years together at the School of the Arts. It has become apparent to me, even more so since we sat down recently together to talk about this subject, that Calvin really does love his school. “I wouldn't want to be anywhere else”, he says as he explains that “If it weren't for the arts, it wouldn't be as good of a school as it is”. When I asked him if he disliked about his experience so far at SOTA, I was surprised to hear that there is absolutely nothing that Mr. Latimer frowned upon in this area. This is exactly the attitude that will potentially get Calvin accepted to Clarkson University in the fall of 2012, where he plans to study Chemical Engineering. I could tell that Calvin was somewhat humble in this subject because he gave all of the credit for the success of his future goals to the programs that he has been exposed to. “[SOTA] gave me structure... If it weren't for the AVID program in SOTA, I probably wouldn't be... prepared for next year.” When he was young, Calvin went to visit his father at the chemical plant, where he worked. I watched the smile work itself across Calvin's face as he fondly remembered the time he “saw all the chemists and how they did their jobs.” I could tell that this was the moment when he really realized what he wanted to do as a career when he got older. At this moment in the interview I really understood what he meant when Calvin said “this inspired me to become a Chemical Engineer.” An interesting point to make is that the idea of being an engineer was present in his mind long before he was able to focus on which specific type of engineering Calvin wanted to pursue in his career. As a child, Calvin would often break his toys, just to find out how they were made, only to put the back together again. It was only until later that he found his true passion in the engineering of chemicals. I learned then that his attitude towards his future is very natural; meaning he is clearly not going into a certain field of study, or school for anyone except himself. “Well, who knows what might happen next year. I might end up wanting to be in business, or I might want to do something different.” It is apparent that whatever Calvin Latimer goes on to do in his life, judging by this brief interview, that he will be true to himself, his ideas, and feelings, but not without giving credit where it is due.
Maddy by Nautica
Maddy Orcutt was interviewed on December 1st 2011. She was asked about her life at SOTA and her views on the types of mind frames that some children acquire while attending SOTA. She chose to wear a purple hoodie, that made her vibrant. As a student at School of the Arts myself, I observed many students, predominantly younger students, that are open about their sexual orientation. This has been the trending topic around SOTA, between students and even teachers. I chose to ask Maddy Orcutt about her views on this generation of middle schoolers.
Nautica: Explain to me who you are; for instance, what do you like to do? What are your interests?
Maddy: Um, I love to dance, and my interests are animals. I dance um, like 5 days a week at my dance, so I put a lot of time into that.
Nautica: That’s it?
Maddy: Um, yea, pretty much
Nautica: What are like, your hobbies
Maddy: Well, dancing and taking care of my animals.
Nautica: How many animals do you have?
Maddy: Um, four
Nautica: What kind of animals?
Maddy: I have two bunnies, a cat and a dog.
Both laugh
Maddy: Oh and I ride horses.
Nautica: Oh, I wanted to do that. Is that hard?
Maddy: No, well certain things are, but… it’s pretty easy.
Nautica: Ok, How has your experience at SOTA been for your entire time here at SOTA?
Maddy: Pretty good, um, it’s been fun being a dance major. It’ certainly has gone downhill with all the classes and everything, but the teachers are really good and I’ve learned a lot… and succeeded
Nautica: If you could would you change any experience that you’ve had at SOTA?
Maddy: Um, no… I auditioned, and done everything I could do at SOTA. I wouldn’t change anything, I’ve had fun experiences at SOTA.
Nautica: So you haven’t had any bad experiences at SOTA?
Maddy: Not that I can think of.
Nautica: Ok… With all the open mindedness as SOTA do you think, that has a negative or positive effect on the students as far as homosexuality?
Maddy: Um, it can go both ways. There’s like a minority of students at SOTA who are open and there are people that are people that are very self-centered and rude and think that’s like… wrong, but there are a lot of people here that accept it. SO it depends on the crowds opinions, so it can go either way.
Nautica: Do you accept it?
Maddy: Yes
Nautica: Do you think there should be a seventh and eighth grade at SOTA?
Maddy: Um, I mean I’m on the fence about that. I mean SOTA’s pretty small, and with seventh and eighth grade in the mix, it can get pretty hectic. I mean I know they stay on the fourth floor most of the time, but with so many kids in seventh and eighth grade it can get kind of crazy.
Nautica: Do you think the intermingling between middle school and high school is healthy?
Maddy: Oh yea definitely, because I think the high school, can see what the new generation of seventh grade are like, and the middle school can look up to us.
Nautica: I mean that can go in the negative direction too.
Maddy: Yea ‘cause there are some… bad influences.
Nautica: Being a SOTA student, I have observed, a lot of little seventh graders being very open about being homosexual, do you think, that’s healthy, do you think that’s just our generation?
Maddy: Um, I think that SOTA is a place where you can come and be comfortable. It so many things that people can get into, depending on the type of student. They can get into plays, and all type of stuff. I mean I don’t think it’s bad at all. I think they see the older kids that are open, and they might say, “Oh my gosh, its not that big of a deal, and I can see myself for who I am.
Nautica: So you’re saying if they went to any other school, they wouldn’t be as accepted?
Maddy: No.
Nautica: Okay, thank you
Maddy: Yep.
Olivia by Keiosha
On December 2nd 2011 I sat down with Olivia Monin and had an interview with her so I can learn a little bit more about her. Olivia is a 17 year old student who attends School of the Arts and she goes to this high school for vocal. She has been attending SOTA since the 7th grade. I asked her “What did she think about SOTA when she first stepped inside its halls” and she told me that she was very comfortable because with so many students from her old elementary school were also there and she made many friends. She told me that if she could change one thing about SOTA it would be the fact that she gets different conductors for choir every year and she wishes that her major would constant instead of having so many changes every year because she have to adapt to the new conductor and their new rules.We also talked about her personal life in this interview, I asked her did she have any brothers or sisters or both and she explained how she have one sister who is in college and she is very close with her sister who is 23 and she explained the memories her and her sister shared and we shared laughs because I could relate to her. Olivia and I also discussed some of her flaws that she feels she have and she told me if she could change one thing about herself it would be the fact that she has trust issues and she get jealous when it comes to her boyfriend because of things that have happened in the past and she also wish she could forgive and forget easier.
Olivia discussed her passion to be nurse and help people and babies and because she loves kids, helping people, and she enjoys science and learning about medicine so much she really wants to be a nurse so she planning to attending college to be a nurse and she wants to also minor in Spanish so she will be able to know more than one language. Olivia also told me that in 10 years she sees herself being a graduate from college with her bachelor’s degree in nursing and she also sees herself being a mother in the future as well. She also brought to my attention that she does not want to continue with doing vocal in college but she would love music to still to be a part of her life because she have a huge passion for it and because she been doing vocal music for so long she explains that music grew on her to the point where she don’t wants to give up on it completely but she wouldn’t do it as a career. I learned a lot talking to Olivia Monin she is a very interesting person and I appreciate her sitting down with me and letting me in her life.
Leah by Emmett
When I sat down with Leah Garlock I had no idea what she was really like. She had a blue skirt on which she made herself with a belt for an accent. She had a gray sweater on with the arms cut off, and her hair was in a ponytail with a bang in the front. She is your typical, smart, grounded 17 year-old with a hint of maturity. We had been friends for a while but I never really sat down and actually had a full in depth conversation with her. I was intrigued to find out that she was a very interesting individual. The first question I asked Leah was why she dressed the way she does, what inspires her outfits everyday? The answer was more than I thought I would get. She said, “I think that everyone should dress in a way that best exemplifies their personality. Dressing up, I mean getting dressed, every morning shouldn’t be a daunting idea. It should be fun and at the very least effortless. That’s not to say that I think dressing your best is putting on whatever… Call me crazy or what have you but dressing up, looking your best to me is just another form of art.” I then asked her why she feels the way she does about everyone having that thought process about getting dressed? “Everyone should consider themselves a work of art. I feel like a really good outfit deserves to be in art gallery. Why shouldn’t you look like a million buck each day? Honestly? It’s the least you can do for yourself when you wake up feeling crappy, not wanting to go to school, or just hating life in general. Even those days when you just don’t feel like yourself, sometimes looking like a painting works your way into eventually on how you feel. People compliment you and notice you, and pretty soon this boosts your confidence. Its not this way every morning… but I don’t know I guess this is my answer.” Upon learning this IT sparked a question. How does your dress wear carry into what you would like to go into? “Yes, that’s easy enough. I plan on going into an art field. Not necessarily fashion, but when your passionate about what you do, this tends to carry into every part of your life. Getting dressed every morning is just another part of life, Isn’t it? After we talk for a little more, I began to understand that she had a big step she was making this school year. She proceeded to tell me about her audition that she has coming up for Hairspray. So I asked her how she flet about her hairspray auditions. Hairspray Auditions were a lot more fun than I thought they would be. I danced with Lina and that was ridiculously awesome... we made a good team. ;P hahaha... that's funny. Hmm... I really wanted to sing part one of the song for "Good Morning Baltimore" because I think my vocal range is better suited for that part... but this other girl wanted it, I let her sing it. I think she started off a beat or something because I was told latter on that I was also off a beat. Gahh!!!! I was and am a little worried about that part, but I gave it my best and I was on tune so ehhh... I don't know... we'll just have to wait and see. I mean I don't really want a big role because I have my art portfolio stuff to do, so I guess getting into the ensemble will be no big deal. Crossing my fingers either way... p.s. What happens if I am going to be away for call backs? ... Wait don't answer! I think I unfortunately know the answer to that... hahaha.” I began to think about what she wanted to do as a long term goal in life. She had explained about what her interests are, but I wanted to know what Leah would be doing at 29 or 35. “Long term goals in life... I really want to be the best and most innovative in whatever field I end up working in. I'm highly ambitious and won't stop till I find myself changing the world in big ways. I don't know, this question is a really personal one for me... I have really big faith that where ever I land my feet, it will be in a place that's best suited for me. Gosh! I can't wait for life! I know I can come off as one of "those" kids, what ever "those" are.. that's great! I'm perfectly content with that! Currently my dream career right now would involve traveling (especially in third world countries), creating art, making an impact for those less fortunate, making a comfortable living (I'm making paper... wow I can't believe I just typed that... haha), being well respected, etc. hahaha... I think I'll stop here. To reach my dreams I'll never stop going. When I really care about something I put my all into it, giving 200% of myself the best I can. Stressful? Yeah, not gonna lie I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to stressing myself out.”With this said my last question In the interview with Leah Garlock was what was she going to do to reach her goals? She answered with “I'm meticulous and a perfectionist. I'm willing to give up certain things in my life to reach my dreams... Ideally I think I would even say to the point of.... Haha... I'm not filling in that blank right now, I don't think I'm comfortable with that idea yet, but I hope I will be in the future. Sorry I left that kind of ambiguous, so I guess if you really care... haha... come talk to me about it sometime! Topics like what I want to do with my life I take very seriously.I can't tell you HOW I'm going to get to the place where I want to be in life, because quite frankly I don't even know where THERE is.As an artist and person I consider myself a process-product person. I ultimately have a goal of how I want to feel before I die and I don't want to limit my dreams, or accept less from myself in any way shape or form. However, this might sound cheesy to some of you, but life really is a journey. We, I, sometimes lose sight of the in the moment things, getting too caught up in the past or the future... I want to enjoy the steps it takes me to achieve my dreams. I know I'll have to make sacrifices, I know it won't be easy, but this is all second nature. It's like climbing a mountain... after climbing up the steep cliffs for five (plus) long hours, it's when you look down and around at the outstandingly beautiful view that know that every bit of sweat, tears, and blood poured was worth it. (Keeping in mind that it's also important to take pictures one's mind and cherish the steps it takes to get there... After all I don't want to miss out on an important key in life that might get me to the open door faster.” This interview gave me a better outlook on Leah Garlocks life as a person and as a friend. I learned that you can’t judge a book by its color! Prime Example: Leah Garlock.
Keiosha by Olivia
As I sit down on the tan, hard school chair that I’ve known since I was in kindergarten, I am greeted with a ‘hi!’ in a cheerful voice. I’ve known Keiosha Floyd since the 7th grade when we both had to take middle school choir every other day than our study hall for our major. She says singing has always been a big part of her life, starting back when she was just 5 years old in church. When she heard about School of the Arts and what it had to offer for her musical side, she knew it was where she wanted to be. She says “singing helps me deal with my problems and it gives me something to express myself with.” Although her voice has grown immensely over the past 6 years, she does not wish to continue singing into college. Her true passion is “helping people with their life and problems”, which is why she is going to college for either teaching or therapy. Her dream school is Buff State. I asked her where she thinks she’ll be in 10 years and she replied with a smile “In a nice big house with my master’s degree. But I’ll probably move out of Rochester because of this crazy weather.” We both shared some laughs after that, and I moved on to ask a bit about her self and her family. She was born on March 21st 1994 (she’s 17 now) at Genessee Hospital. She has one sister who is much older than her with 3 children, but because of the age difference and the fact that her sister moved so far away (she lives in Albany), Keiosha explained that she feels more like an only child because she barely sees her sister or nieces. But she has her cat Mahogany to keep her company at home, and her boyfriend Clerance that she’s been dating for almost 2 months. She says she’s excited for her future and “can’t wait to see where I go!”
Marissa by Meagan
Wearing a black north face, dark colored jeans, and black knit boots, Marissa Santana greeted me with a friendly “hello.” She had a very relaxed demeanor and a welcoming smile as she sat in the cold plastic seat across from me in Ms. Parker’s room. She is a creative writing major at School of the Arts and a twelfth grader. “If I wasn’t excepted into School of the Arts, I would have had to move” and she didn’t want that. Her older brother, Frank Santana, and her older sister, Alexsis Santana, graduated from School of the Arts. “I also wanted to follow in their footsteps and go to the school they went to. They seemed to like it here.” Although being a creative writing major has its ups, she says, there are many difficulties that also come with the major, like in every area of study at this school. Because of her good grades, Marissa was able to be in the National Honors Society. She would like to attend Nazareth College and pursue a nursing degree, which her grades were also helpful in getting her into. When asked why she decided to go to college for nursing she answered “Unfortunately, I’ve seen many people in nursing homes and hospitals get mistreated. I just want to help them.” Also, her mother and a few other people she is close with are nurses, which has helped her see what kind of job nursing is. Marissa is very close with her family and what they do influences her life greatly.
Along with her school life, Marissa Santana also enjoys spending money at the mall, “surfing the web“ on sites such as face book and you tube, and watching television. “Real Housewives of Atlanta” as well as “Basketball Wives” and other shows, as Marissa jokingly stated, “the ghetto shows.” It’s important to have things you enjoy outside the stresses of life. “Watching tv and going on the computer is what I do to relax” says Marissa. “You can’t be working all the time.”
For the past five years of school, I had never really talked to Marissa all that much, even though we were in the same grade and played on the same softball team once or twice. The interview that took place on December 2nd 2011 helped me get to know her a little better.
Lee by Tom
As I met up with Lee Grayson, a senior at SOTA, I was immediately greeted with a welcoming smile. Lee is know for having an exuberant and outgoing personality and although he and I are mainly acquaintances I felt at ease talking with him. As I sat down I saw that he was listening to music on a headset so I asked him his thoughts on music. Lee responded that he listened to a variety of artists and that choosing one would be difficult. I asked "Then what is your favorite genre of music?", he replied " I think I like dub step the best right now.". When I asked why he said he didn't know. I then asked what feeling he was looking for when he listened to this kind of music. Lee responded with, "You know, when you're driving right? When you're on the highway and break sixty? that feeling." At this point his friend Willis began laughing from the other side of the room, apparently he had heard Lee. I asked him about their friendship, Lee responded that their friendship was not always as strong as it is now. " Me and Willis are friends now but he used to bug me. I don't know somehow I just got to know him." While we were on the topic I asked Lee what his favorite childhood memory with his friends was. Lee replied that he enjoyed the times when he and his friends would go on adventures around the city. Once while Lee and his friend were playing and found an entrance to the city's abandoned subway tunnels. Lee says that the only thing he regrets about his childhood curiosity is when he would accidentally break his mothers belongings. He would hide the broken items in his room and when his mother couldn't find what she was looking for she would always go to Lee to see if he had broken it. Lee misses his childhood greatly and those days are getting farther and farther away. Lee is turning 18 next year and plans on voting in the next presidential election. Lee says that he will probably register as an independent because he believes that its unfair to put all of your faith into one political party. As for the current president Lee says that he is slightly disappointed in Obama for not living up to his promises. He thinks that Obama should stay true to himself and not allow other politicians or corporations to influence his decisions. I ask if he has lost all of his faith in Obama and he responds that the president should be elected on the bases of their integrity not on their popularity or first appearance. Lee Grayson was a pleasure to interview and learning more about him helped me to see a side of a fellow student that I don't get to see everyday.
Monica by Shayla
Being at a school like School of the Arts there are many people that we past by in the hallway and don’t even know their name. There are even people in our classes that we attend everyday yet we barely know them. This is the relationship between Monica Berhe and me. We both have been in the same creative writing classes since the ninth grade and we never had a real conversation with one another. Monica has always been someone who came to class late and someone that Ms. Gamzon always threatened was going to fail her class. Monica seemed be a “bad girl” but as I approached her today, her smile completely contradicted to what others have said about her.
Monica and I began to look back at our high school career and we both realized that it definitely wasn’t what we thought it would be. TV shows like Degrassi and other teen dramas gave us false expectations of what high school would be like. “I thought there’d be cliques like the jocks and the cheerleaders but there’s not. Its good though.”
School of the Arts is definitely a unique school and the audition process is very difficult, especially when you’re auditioning for creative writing. I asked Monica why she wanted to attend this school. “Actually, I didn’t want to come here. I came because there were no uniforms. My teachers pushed me to apply for writing. They said I had potential. I thought SOTA would improve my writing skills and make me like writing more but it didn’t.” I agree with Monica completely. I didn’t come here because I wanted to become a published writer; I wanted to improve my skills because they will be necessary in any career I choose.
I asked Monica if there was anything that she regretted about coming to School of the Arts and I began to realize that we felt the same way. “The only thing I regret is the creative writing classes. They just brought down my GPA. But if I had gone to another school my behavior would have been worse. The students here are actually motivated to get their work done.” The creative writing classes that we have taken are difficult and they affect my GPA. Writing isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be. But I think Monica and I can both say that our writing has improved greatly over the years. Monica wanted to share a piece of advice to prospective students. “Make sure you consider all your options. If you really feel like this school will help you improve your skills then audition, but if its not something you really love then don’t come here because it will affect your grades.”
School of the Arts have definitely given me and Monica a good foundation to pursue our future goals. “My goal is to go to school for criminal justice and become a lawyer.” I believe that Monica can accomplish this goal because she has the tools necessary to succeed.
Willis by Aviva
I interviewed a wonderful person name Willis Brooks he’s a very determined and intelligent young man. As soon as he came over I knew every question I wanted to ask him. “What made you choose School of the arts?” (Slight chuckle) “It was either Wilson or SOTA, my mom told me you can’t draw, you can’t dance, you can’t write but I see you play those games and memorize buttons so memorize this. His mom handed him JFK’s 61 Inaugural address.” It was like 3 pages long and she made me do it 70 times in different ways. The next day was his time to audition; he got upstairs and had to read his script. “Ms. Dewey was there, I was so nervous that I was trembling and shaking but it ended up going pretty well. When Willis left all he had to was wait for the letter he finally got it and it said he was in! When he got here he auditioned for more school plays and some of them he got into others he didn’t.
He started to know his way around school and make new friends. One of his closest friends today is Lee Grayson.” How did you and Lee get so close?” Lee is like my brother, in seventh grade science class I sat next to him and he called me a faggot, he got kicked out of class and then ended up kicking my ass (laughing).”After that you were still friends? “Yes (chuckle) I don’t know we were just cool after that ass kicking. All this time I thought that Willis would want to go to college to be an actor but he really wants to be a game designer.” Why not acting?” “I never liked the thought about I may not eat tonight because I’m not what the director is looking for”.
Willis’s main goal after high school is to attend college and then graduate with a master’s degree in Game design and Development, and hopefully move to California to receive a job offer for Square Enix. It was wonderful to talk to Willis about what he would love to do when he is older I wish him the best in everything.
Tatiana by Shaela
Living in Rochester surrounded by gloominess and bad weather, I got the chance to have a great interview with a female named Tatiana Williams. She brightened up the whole thing by the answers that she gave me following are the questions and conversation that we had.
What is your major?
Her major is vocal, following that was an “ugh “and you can say like a sigh of relief. She enjoys her major a lot more this year due to the fact that she has new teachers and that it is her senior year , Also that her class is more active and that there is better music.
What does your major do for your future?
It doesn’t really do anything for her future as she said.
Do you plan on continuing it after high school?
She said that she does not plan on continuing her major after high school. She plans on attending college, specifically Cornell. She plan on majoring in philosophy and following that becoming a lawyer and she plans on doing all that at the same school. She said that Cornell has an amazing law program and I can agree to that.
Following that I also asked what makes her want to be a lawyer and what type of lawyer does she want to be?
Tatiana gave a great reasoning behind wanting to become a lawyer. Being a criminal law layer is what she wants to focus on. She said that a lot should be changed in our legal system, the ways that some criminals are treated are not right and I can agree with that. Yes let them be punished but in a way that they help others instead of making them sit there and wasting oxygen. “There are different methods”
I decided to ask her also where does she see herself in ten year from now.
She said that she sees herself at a practice defending criminals that don’t deserve what they get. She would also like to start her own firm, but not in the Rochester area. More like Virginia North Carolina area. Virginia because it has a very nice climate and North Carolina because she is from there and has family there.
After reading this so far and listening to her I decided to ask her what and who are her biggest inspirations?
Her mother is her biggest inspiration she always told Tatiana to “never let anyone hold you back from your dreams and goals “ Also her father she says that he tells her “ To truly care about knowledge “ and “ Don’t let the past affect your future “. Something that tied in these two people would be her little brother Aaron her little brother who loves to sing.
A lot of people usually have certain friends that have been around to support them I asked her true supportive friends were?
She said that her best friends, Whitney who is also a vocal major and Kim who attends Spencerport High school. That is great to have such a support system besides her parents.
Closing this great interview with a quote Tatiana tells herself everyday would be “ Graduation is tomorrow so I can get through the school year “.
Kennethea by Elexis
When I was told I would be interviewing kennethea Wilson I thought to myself well this should be a breeze I’ve known her for so long what could I possibly learn about her that I don’t already know . Seeing her in the halls and having conversations with her I figured I already knew how smart, determined, and talented she was; but after sitting down with her during our interview I had come to find that I had under estimated Kennethea and I was going to find out just how educated, determined, and talented she truly was.
Kennethea wore a nice tan vest with a nice brown silk shirt and matching tan dress pants perfect for an interview. The smile on her face showed that she came into the interview with an open mind and was very confident but relaxed at the same time. I couldn’t let her see that I was nervous since I wasn’t fully prepared. I couldn’t seem to think of questions to ask due to going in the interview thinking I knew all there was to know about her.
The questions began to flow as the interview went on. I asked simple questions at first just to break the ice such as “what is your major here at school of the arts? “ after learning that she was a creative writing major I went on to ask what inspired her to be a creative writing major, she replied by saying “ my mother and the fact that I wanted to just wanted to go to School of The Arts, but for something that would educate me and help me get where I’m trying to go with my future “. This answer not only showed just how important education is to her but it showed her determination to get somewhere in life.
Not only is kennethea highly educated but she is also extremely athletic. When asked what activities she participated in she replied by saying “I actually just got done with volleyball and now I’m doing indoor track “, but not only does she participate in school sports she also participates in other activities outside of school such as community service. Kennethea would like to attend the University of Albany; she explains that it is a D1 school for sport which also offers her major which will be public health; she would also like to minor in biology.
In ten years kennethea sees herself with a career that makes her happy but also supports her financially. She wouldn’t mind being married but it’s not a priority, her main priority is making a difference and being the best that she can be because nothing comes before her success. I enjoyed my interview with kennethea. Not only did she make me feel comfortable and like I could ask her anything; she also proved to me you can’t judge a book by its cover, sometimes you have to read a chapter or two to truly understand the big picture.
Chelse by Amanda
One Morning in the month of January while a blizzard took place, a young woman full of energy and strong dedication to her family and church was born! Chelse Chambers loves winter because of this very reason. “My birthday is in winter and I was born in a blizzard and whenever I think of winter I think of families coming together” Chambers expressed a love for the season of winter! “I love to watch the snowfall” she says. A curious “What significance does Christmas have in your life” I ask. Chelse seemed enthusiastic about this question, her face seemed to simply light up. “The Significance of Christmas is the fact that I can spend time with my family. Also since it lands on a Sunday I can spend time with my church family! Christmas is when Jesus was born!” She exclaimed. I questioned all this information I was receiving and wondered about the day that Christmas landed on. I asked “how do you feel about Christmas landing on a Sunday this year? Chelse’s face seemed to dim down a bit and she seemed to speak with less enthusiasm. “It’s different………” Chelse paused. Chambers then continued “I’m used to helping my mom cook Christmas dinner in the morning, but my mom is going to Jamaica to spend time with her mom. That means I will be going to going to church for two or three hours. Inquisitive to find out more, i asked “how do you feel about not having your mom spending Christmas this year?” I was expecting more of a sad response but was surprised. “You want the truth?” Chelse Chuckled. “I think it’ll be an interesting experience because I’m so used to spending Christmas with my mom so it will be different this year” I asked “what impact has your mother had on you” “she has taught me to know what is right or wrong, she has helped me see both secular and the spiritual side of everything.” Chambers referred to her childhood experiences and explained to me how her mother raised her. She used phrases such as “super religious girl” “die hard”
Nyesha by Justice
A bright smile was displayed on the beautiful face of Nyesha McKinney as she sat down with me in our ninth period journalism class. Besides her smile the first thing I noticed was her jubilant mood. I asked her if she was always so happy and gleeful and she responded with a yes. I asked her to tell me a little bit about herself. Nyesha Mckinny; 17 years old, a vocal major attending school of the arts since seventh grade. Her favorite color? Hot pink. I had already come to the conclusion that Nyesha was a sweet girl who loved who she was and would change for no one, and of course she had no need to.
She shared with me the plans for her future, she planned to attend college after graduating high school. Her dream school is Clark Atlanta, she will choose between Clark and FLCC, majoring in criminal justice or attending a school of law. The major she would really love to pursue in college would be forensic psychchology. When asked why she wanted to major in forensic psychlogy she told me that she was fascinated by the human mind. "I always wanted to know why people do the things they do, or act the way they do." She would like to help people who just aren't in their right minds.
Nyesha currently works at The Strong Museum and Strong Memorial Hospital. At Strong Museum she reunites children with their parents after they have been lost. I asked Nyesha if she liked children and she said, "I love children, after all, what's not to love?" I asked her if she would like to have children of her own. "Of course I do." At the hospital she is a project assistant in the microbiology lab. She is to make sure that everything is organized and that all the paperwork is perfect.
Nyesha mentioned her best friends, Kamille, Mercy, Tanesha, and N'dia. She said that she could not live without them, they do just about everything together. She owes them a lot and is grateful for having them in her life. I asked her if they played a major role in her life and she responded with a yes. Her friends are what influence her in a positive way and she does the exact same for them.
Determination, kindness, and blessings will take Nyesha far in life. She possesses the kind of personality people can only wish upon a star for. I'm glad I got the chance to get to know her a little more than I already have before.
Tobi by Leah
Finding the Unlikeliest of Sorts
So unlike many of you who did this interview, I cheated a lil’ bit. Yes, I’m shamefully admitting it so let’s get it on record… I cheated. I never sat down face-to-face to do a proper interview with Tobi. Instead I had her, (I mean, opps) him, answer the questions I e-mailed and then wrote this lovely piece of literature for you all. While under my circumstances I technically got permission to do the interview in this fashion, the reason I’m admitting this to you all is not merely for the purpose of settling my own conscience. After all, what I’m writing in this article is not about me, it’s about Tobi.
So, who is Tobi? I found it actually quite surprising that many of you don’t even know whom I’m even talking about. (Though you probably would know if I pointed ‘him’ out.) Let’s be honest, Tobi has a distinctive and unique style. When I asked him to tell me what he was wearing, he replied, “I'm currently wearing a grey-scale, horizontal-striped polo shirt, black pants: my work attire; and my ever-present black gloves, which I wear because of carpal issues.” Tobi is the type of person who seems completely comfortable in what they wear and do, the type of person who excuse my French, doesn’t give a ‘shit’ what you think. But that’s just what people might read from the outside. Who is Tobi? I’ve been fortunate to know Tobi, since I was in elementary school (in those days she was called Megan), we go way back, but in all honesty I didn’t, and still don’t, know everything about him. As I was reading his responses, I was literally laughing out loud. This guy is hilarious, pretty insightful, honest, and beyond cool. It’s a shame really. In high school, we don’t get the chance to realize and learn what there is to learn about everyone. If we did, we’d probably realize that beyond all this drama crap and labeled cliques, we’d meet some really amazingly cool people.
The questions I asked Tobi, were nothing extraordinary (we were asked to ask, to ask just the basics), however, the responses I got from my questions were something else. (For those of you who know Tobi, you might be saying “typical,” but keep reading, and maybe you’ll learn something too!) At first, I was afraid my questions would be too… I don’t know, too… something or other, but Tobi confirmed something I didn’t know and that I feared would be the opposite. Tobi admitted that “I do like talking about myself,” even saying that he was a little “excited” to answer my questions. (Um, ok. ^^)
As a senior, Tobi is like the majority of us, a little stressed out of our minds and a little bit worried about the thought of what’s going to happen after high school. For example, like all the new responsibilities’ that come with being the ‘top dog.’ Right now Tobi’s pretty much focused on what other visual art majors are also worried about. ‘Senior showcase,’ where the final senior project is to present their own artwork, in their own shows (with a “few” others), and did I mention? ALL BY THEMSELVES??? That means figuring out the pieces in the show, the matting, the refreshments, the theme, the lettering (title of the show), basically the works. It’s not just putting simply putting artwork in a gallery, to say the least. “I've been a little stressed. I'm worried about the senior showcase, especially since I can't remember what I said I'd put in it [laughs]. Once I find out my list I'll be a little more placated since I'll be able to bring it all in and get that out of the way.” Yes, something to check off our things to do list is a refreshing thought.
With more on the daunting subject of what’s to come after senior year, I might like to add that many of us are not yet ready to start all over again, to be the little fish in the big pond. When I asked Tobi if he was afraid of growing up, he replied that he was. “I’m always scared of growing up. It's exciting, yeah, but I don't really know how I'll do out there. I'm fully expecting to end up in a cardboard box for a little while, you know?” Haha, that’s a good one! But in all seriousness, the scary thing is that, that could be a possibility. Tobi has a job now, but he’s realistic in that he knows that his job that he has now, won’t cover the cost of living in the real world. Tobi’s mom plans on moving after he graduates, so Tobi plans on having his fresh start then. He’s really into music, and would love to make a name for his band “Livïng Seeïng Dyïng,” (after he moves to California), but again realizes that this may or may not work out. “I really have no idea how we'll do. I have high hopes, but when I get in one of my realistic moods, I realize how hard of a time we'll have out there. I plead the 5th on just how I handle the mood swings [laughs]. But really, I definitely handle it in a bad way. Now, I'm not saying I spend half my paycheck on drugs or anything, but I did plead the 5th earlier [laughs].”
On the topic of stress, I also asked Tobi what he does to relax in the midst of all of this chaos. It seems he does the “norm” teenage stuff, like playing video games, but again being brutally honest (cover your little ears), does some “other stuff” as well. (Don’t judge! I know many of you would be kidding yourself if you said otherwise!) As for the “other stuff” I’ll let your imaginations figure that out… (Yes! You’re right, Tobi has “a secret addiction to Twilight!” Good job! Like many of you she’s a “twi-hard” or whatever their called. There the secrets out!)
But with that I digress, my next questions delved deeper into the heart of I of what I was hoping to get at with Tobi. With everything going on, why does Tobi even come to school? What motivates him to turn off the alarm, get dressed, and sit in the same chairs, in many of the same classes as you all? “At this very moment, my prime motivator is if I go to school every day between now and the 15th, I get to go to Chicago, for my best friend's birthday. But other than that? I'm not really sure. Some years, it's, y'know, for a specific class or teacher. Last year it was just to see my English teacher, and before that, in Ohio, it was for my Biology teacher. It's weird the way (we) sometimes connect really well with teachers, sometimes. I'm still a little sad Mr. George didn't teach 12th grade English this year, but I pass his room every day on my way to Journalism, and we talk. I guess now, though, my biggest motivator is the fact when I don't go, my mom yells at me. For the last few years, I've had a habit of skipping a day or two of school every couple weeks. On many occasions I'd planned to drop out. The last time I'd made plans for it, though, I was trying to get a job, and my mom said she'd refuse to let me if I dropped out. So yeah, I guess my mom yelling is all that really motivates me [laughs].”
Wow. In that moment I didn’t know how to feel or react. Amidst all the casual conversation and jokes, Tobi again remained honest beyond the point that he even had to. With this I realized that high school remains a hard time and place for us in our lives. We all have difficulties to live through, and many times we ask ourselves why we even keep going. I think many students agree, that “grown-ups” often forget how hard it can be to be a teenager. It isn’t always easy, and yes there are adult problems too. When it comes to the adult problems though, in the midst of our own problems, it isn’t easy to sympathize with problems that we ourselves have yet to come across in our own lives. In that moment I felt a connection to Tobi, I hadn’t felt before. Vulnerability and lack of trust for better times is a universal teenage experience. When reading his response, in that moment I truly connected to what it must be like to be Tobi. Tobi is one of the lucky people, even if he doesn’t know. Having anyone, anyone to fill the role of “Mr. George” is great way to ease the teenage experience. I could connect to Tobi because I know from my own experience how great it is to find an adult like Mr. George, who can come back to the high school level, ready and willing just be there willing to talk.
From that place, treading in deep waters already, I asked a question which many of you probably have been dying to know as well. Why ‘Tobi?’ Why change a perfectly good name like Megan, to Tobi? Why? Why? Why? Well, it happened in a way that many of our own nicknames come about, and just find away of sticking. “It all started on this online drawing/chat board called PaintChat. Basically, the first time I went on about 4 years ago, I inexplicably used the username Tobi. At the time, like I have been most of my life, I had this big confusion over who I was, y'know? I'd always been searching for a person that was me. And to be honest, I still do it. But anyway, I was on that, and I made a few friends on it, and they only knew me as Tobi. Then Zach Bellucci started going on, and he'd call me Tobi there, and that eventually bled out into the real world. My friends all started calling me Tobi.” I bet you were expecting so long complicated response right? Err… wrong! Tobi seem complicated, but a nickname that sticks is something that can simply happen to all of us. Agreed?
But, yes this doesn’t necessarily answer the question that many of you might also be wondering. Why a boy’s name? Why not a girl’s name? Well, if it bothers you get over it, you’re not Tobi after all. Hahaha… ok... Honestly? In Tobi’s words, “The name Tobi, short for Towbiah, is a more masculine name I'd taken for myself. Sometimes I kinda wonder if it's really what I want, but then I think, it's too late to change it again now. It's what everyone knows me by! [laughs].… This all stems from the fact I'm a transsexual.” Again, brutally honest! What I really picked out from all of that was when Tobi said “At the time, like I have been most of my life, I had this big confusion over who I was, y'know? I'd always been searching for a person that was me. And to be honest, I still do it.” Yes, it might not be your personal preference or what you are into, but please don’t judge. If you accept diversity, the biggest thing you’d probably take away from that is that like MANY OF US, Tobi is still trying to figure out who he is. If anyone has themselves completely figured out, especially if you’re a high school student, come to me honestly and we’ll chat, I’ll then take back what I just said. I might also like to add that Tobi asked me to change all personal pronouns from her, she, etc. to he, his, etc. Tobi is the type of honest, that you just don’t get out of people very often. The type of honest that it takes again excuse my French, shit loads of courage to even admit. I don’t know about you but that deserves some ounce of respect, even if you don’t believe or agree with it.
In closing remarks, Tobi finished off the interview beautifully. “I guess I'd just like to say that I've had a pretty good run here. I've had my run-ins with certain people that weren't necessarily the greatest, but I've made some good friends, students and faculty alike. I guess I'm glad that soon I'll be out of the fascist dictatorship that is adolescence, but I'd say I've got sandbox paralysis; the world out there is big and free to explore. All I've known so far is linear life-play, and soon I'll be in an open-ended world. I just don't know where to start [laughs].” Hmm… Tobi seems to laugh a lot. Betcha’ didn’t think that either! Tobi is full of surprises. He’s fun, intelligent, nice, and trying like all of us to find a place for himself in this world. From interviewing Tobi, I’ve been refreshed with the perspective that in the unlikeliest of sorts, you still can find a connection where otherwise you might have found none.
Leon by Lee Ana
On the second of December of 2011 I, Lee Ana Hess, interviewed Leon Melson for our English class. Since one of the few things I did know about Leon was that we went to the same elementary school, I decided to start with questions about that time period in his life, the early years.
When talking about elementary school the many stories arose with his friend Calvin Latimer, his friend from the bus. They are still good friends today. Then we moved on to the topic of family. When Leon talks about his family the words “f****** d****” come up often. Leon lives with his mother and father and his two older siblings are off to college. His mother came from an abusive home so after she converted to Christianity she vowed to herself to have a better home for her children. She raised them in her faith. Education was very important to her so she enforces it onto her children. She toke Leon off of the JV basketball team for getting a “D” on his report card and Varsity basketball for getting a “C.” Leon loves his family but they get under his skin.
Leon loves to go to school. Apart from the values that his mother instilled into him about education, he feels like the social aspect is very important. He loves to learn new things both about people and from the books. Leon, from what I got out of the interview, is a very loud, happy person who loves to meet new people and make new friends. High school, in his view, is a place to grow as a person.
After discussing about education and family, I asked Leon “what was the saddest moment in your life?” This was the first time he became silent. He gave it a good thought and then told me about the time he lost his best friend. He said, without saying too many details, his relationship with her was affecting that of her relationship with her boyfriend and because of it she broke off the friendship.
Even thou Leon does not say it, stress is a big part of his life, mostly because he has no social life. Between basketball, his job and school he has no time for friends and has no dating life. He is both physically and emotionally stressed, but does not like telling people about this. Leon thinks stress builds character.
Leon like most people wants to be rich. He wants to have luxury to go and travel around the world and do many things. Mostly these things are extreme sport. He kept on talk about all the different sport he would like to do in his life time. He wants to do this but doesn’t want to do it alone. He would like to have a companion. Even thou most teenage boys would not admit this; he wishes to have the “American Dream” with a wife and kids living in the suburbs, nowhere near Rochester.
Leon used to be the guy from English class that I really never talked to. And now I know more about his views, thoughts and the person who he really is.
Newton by Jaquana
“Quiet, pensive, and artistic,” are a few words that Newton would use to describe himself. After he graduates from School if the arts in July of 2012, he looks forward to attending Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall. He wants to attend that college because of their amazing animation program. He attends to have a career in animation for television, video games, and 3-D animation. When he first started drawing by himself he realized that he was good at it, and that became his passion. He wants to be ready for college therefore he tries to be college minded these days. He doesn’t think that college parties will get him off track because he isn’t a partier. However he is open to the idea of attending a few college parties. He focuses on his grades, college, exercising, and achieving a higher SAT score for this school year. His favorite core academic class is English because it isn’t a hard subject for him, and he’s a good writer so that makes the class easy. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister, but he is closer to his sister. Some of his hobbies include drawing, playing computer games, exercising, and listening to all kinds of music. He is the happiest when he can just be relaxed and not have to worry about anything. For Christmas he wants a drawing tablet and a new computer because his current one is slow. Some of his pet peeves include when people don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, and when people assume things. The best major outside of his that he was introduced to in School of the arts was the music program because he was introduced to garage band, as well as other music techniques. When I asked him to describe himself how he thought that other people would, he thought that they saw him as angry, and a person who stays quiet and doesn’t talk a lot. Making friends for him is easy; the hard part is opening up to people. After high school he thinks that the friendships he has now will change kind of because they won’t be acquainted as much. But he intends to keep in contact through Facebook. Compared to when he was younger he thinks he changed because he used to be naïve, “When I was younger I used to let people walk all over me.” He recalls of his youthful self.
Erin by Shandrana
What do you want to pursue in college and why?
I would like to pursue Fashion Merchandising and Photography because both let you explain yourself. Growing up my grandfather always took pictures and I’ve been surrounded by him the whole time. With a photo you can capture a moment, and have it forever. Photography changes the way you see things you start noticing the very little details to things and it helps melt your stress away. Fashion is the same way; it helps define who you are. People often deal with fashion everyday whether you think so or not, even the people who say they don’t care what they wear they choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile.
Aviva by Willis
On Thursday December 1st 2011 I interviewed the great Aviva Gomes. The interview got off to a great start before I began my official questions I talked to her a little about her personal life and discovered she would not be present at school Friday December 2. Thus becoming my first question, Aviva would be performing in a performance of The Nutcracker that day in Lockport, New York. Entertaining young kids and adults, she danced as the Spanish Flower and Snow Flake. This then led me to the question “how did you start dancing?” to which she replied “When I was three years old, my mother was a dancer too, she put me in dance classes and afterwards I said, OMG I love dancing!” I then asked, “What made you audition for SOTA? “I thought it would be an exciting opportunity to do what I love in school” I then converged that into “Do you like it here?” Upon arrival she found it to be quite different from what she expected and when she finally started practicing her major in 9th grade she came to see she was ahead of everyone else cause she had been practicing since she was three. I asked Ms. Gomes “Whats next after high school?” with hesitation she said “hopefully Juliard school of performing arts or Fordham University and continue dancing” I then posed the question “Say it all works out you go to your dream school you graduate what then?” She quickly replied “My dream is to dance with the Alvinailey Dance Company the best dance troupe in all mankind. This was my sixth and final question to Aviva Gomes concluding the interview, it went quite smooth and a had a very easy going lighthearted mood throughout it. She has big dreams I hope she does well in life.
How has your experience been at School of the Arts?
It’s been kind of rocky meaning I had both good and bad times. I mean don’t get me wrong this is a great school and all but I’ve encountered much drama along the way. All in all my experience has been good I wouldn’t trade it for nothing else in this world. I have learned so much about myself, friends, teachers and many others that will never change. Every day that I step foot into this school I learn something new and I hope it stays that way once I leave for college.
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I love that I’m funny, outgoing, trustworthy, and very loyal. That people can come and talk to me about their problems and feel better about themselves. I love that I don’t surrounded myself around drama and other people’s self misery. That I’m independent and about to officially leave the my SOTA’s nest and see the world for myself.
What do you see yourself doing after college?
I see myself graduating college and becoming very successful with my career. I see myself raising a well loved family and living a good life with my husband. Taking care of my parents and looking back on my life saying that I have came a long way.
What kind of people do you surround yourself with?
I surround myself with people who are fun and trusting, people who are real and show no sense of fakeness about themselves. With people who have the same interests, good nature, personality and age group.
What does the term “life goes on” mean to you?
It simply means that you get over whatever hard times your going through at the moment and move forward no more looking back at the past. This is a way of saying that maybe its time to move on. A person could also take it as that even though something bad happened you must let it go and begin new again. Start fresh and not to bring up something that happened so long ago to let things go.
Elexus by Kenneathea
I sat down with Elexus Johnson on Thursday December 1, 2011. She had on a trendy black North Face spring jacket, blue jeans and navy blue low top Converses. Her comfortable appearance reflected her warm and settling personality. She spoke with confidence yet humbleness about her future. With her down to earth demeanor, she hopes to make an impression on the music industry in the next few years, while becoming a professional singer.
She is currently a senior at School of the Arts where she majors in vocal music. While at School of the Arts she has participated in numerous performances while maintaining a B plus average. She was apart of SOTA Singers and Choir and sung at for other school related activities. Moreover, she is a student at the Eastman School of Music. Along with her charisma and natural talent as a singer she receives a full scholarship to attend the prestigious music school. Her mature thinking helped her envision a “plan B” if she is not successful at becoming a professional singer. If not becoming a singer, she plans to become a music teacher to help kids learn the basics of music.
When asked “How has your talent impacted your life?” she replied “It inspires me to be the best that I can be.” Not only is this an example of her humbleness but this really shows how determined she is becomes all that she can be in life. From sitting down with her, I was able to understand how much music plays a major role in her life. She goes home and “practices 24-7 because that is all I know.” Determination and strong will doesn’t get any clearer when considering Elexus Johnson.
Her natural charm and humbleness as a singer doesn’t over shadow her love and appreciation she has for her family. She has two brothers and four sisters that she spends most of her time with. She says “Without my family I am nothing.” She is a church going young lady with high morals and goals for herself. While understanding the value in family, in ten years she wants to “live in Virginia with her husband and two kids.”
Elexus Johnson is the exemplifies what it looks like to be a young upcoming star in a clouded world.
James by Briana
When I interviewed James Vanhouter, I decided to record him in order to capture every priceless facial expression. As soon as I began the interview he adjusted his shirt and smoothed his fish tail down to ensure he was at his best (even if this was something as mediocre as a high school interview.) James made it extremely clear from the beginning that he prefers to be called Jaime by most people, “for some people I’m fine with it, I mean I wouldn’t mind if you called me James.” Along with his unique style of dress and captivating smile, his hair had also caught my attention. James had a colorful head of hair to match his colorful personality I’m guessing; his usual black Mohawk had a few different shades of blonde in it with a fish tail hanging out in the back of his head which was also dyed. When I initially asked him about his hair style he said that “I just wanted to try something different with my Mohawk.” Moments later he went into details about wanting to dye it again since his fish tail unexpectedly came out to be a “pinkish” color when his intention was for it to be bright red. He jokingly reassured me that despite his hair dye mishap he still was going to “swag it out.”
James roams the hectic halls of School of the Arts as a theatre tech major, these halls are full of talented yet disorganized high-schoolers who crave the feeling of acceptance. Being a senior however has its’ advantages since James had already went through that awkward stage of making new friends years ago—now he’s mentally preparing himself for life after School of the Arts. His father is an architect who spends most of his time blueprinting and occasionally deals with cabinetry. This caused James to follow in his footsteps and major in theatre tech. Once he graduates from high school, he plans on moving to California and attending Los Angeles Trade Tech community college for two years and later transferring to FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.) His mind was clearly set on the city of angels and I had to know why—then he shared his experience with me, “A week before school started I actually went there and visited some family and out there I feel more creative and open-minded. I felt more at home when I was in California than when I’m in Rochester.” Although James said that the style in California varies, a few fashion tips from him wouldn’t hurt anyone. He sat there reminiscing and finally concluded that he became interested in fashion “roughly three or four years ago.” Since the beginning of the school year I had admired his retro yet modern style of dress from afar. When I asked him if he likes to have a unique sense of fashion, he raised an eyebrow and grinned charismatically, “I try.”
When he’s not busy working at a shoe store called Journeys or consulting a helpless fashion DON’T, James escapes from the world by other means—his getaway includes photography, martial arts, skateboarding, BMXing, and staying fit. Since he was a child James had always appreciated photography, but he was just recently provided the opportunity to explore the realms of a Nikon when he received one as a gift this summer. In addition to the power behind a camera lens, he also found out that his mother attended Edison Tech for film and photography. In 10 years, James hopes to be opening up his own store in California or working his way up with an internship. Whatever James decides to do in the future—I know he will succeed with the keys of ambition and confidence.
Maggie by Alex
December 1st, 2011 was the average day at School of the Arts. Everyone was looking overhead at the tumultuous clouds, questioning whether the snow would finally invade the land below, or merely drizzle down rain for an hour, as was precedent. And yes, it was different from other days in regards to the fact I had the opportunity to interview one of our fellow classmates, Maggie Easton, a Dance major here at School of the Arts.. Initially I was nervous about the interview in fear of sounding, well, as stupid as I tend to usually believe most words that come out of my mouth are. However, Maggie assured that I did not sound stupid (unless she was lying, in which case you can add “fibber: to the article below).
All jokes aside, Maggie is a senior at School of the Arts, and like us all, is in the middle of the ridiculous storm of college applications that, much like the snow, looms over all of our heads. She is currently applying to University of Vermont, Nazareth College, SUNY Geneseo, SUNY Potsdam and Newpauls. She plans to major in Teaching, so that she may become a teacher for elementary and preschool students. “I love kids” was her response to why she wanted to become a Pre-K and elementary school. Currently, she frequently babysits children, and even teaches lessons at the YMCA to younger children. In twenty years, she sees herself married with “lots of kids” (surprise, surprise). She has stated that the one thing she has always wanted to do in life was teach children.
In regards to her interests, Maggie’s favorite films are The Notebook, Titanic (which she later told me to watch due to my having never seen it before) and 500 Days of Summer, which we both agreed was an amazing film. If she could change one thing in the world, it would be removing sadness, as she hates when people are sad. Her favorite television shows are Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Her favorite hobbies include baking, preferably cheesecakes (which she later berated me for disliking). She also likes stretching and dancing. Her favorite novels are the Harry Potter series, and she also liked Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Her favorite music is “everything from Taylor Swift”, as well as a few indie songs. Out of all of her experiences at School of the Arts, she has stated that her most memorable has been “making good friends”. Overall, Maggie is pretty cool (and has superior taste in movies).
Helene by Nyesha
Helene Prince, a senior school of the arts piano major and has goals in her future. B+ average and a phenomal soccer player I had an opportunity to interview her. In her appearance she had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, blue jeans and pink and black Nike sneakers. Comfortable attire, fit for her personality. When asked about her future plans after graduating high school she explained how she applied to seven colleges and is interested in physical education. She has always been involved with sports and loves teaching people, the best of both worlds. Her top choices are Ithaca and Cortland. If not physical education as a future career goal than sports management. Also her relaistates licesence to fall back on. This young woman has many goals in her future. When asked what is the American dream to her she explained that many immigrants from other countries thought America was the place to come and make money and the ground was gold filled, but when actually arrived saw how hard it was to survive here. Being put in nasty tenement housing for immigrants and forcing to work hard for almost less than 25 cents a day. As for the up to date American dream with a white picket fence and wealthy family with a husband and two kids is not ideal anymore for her. She states nowadays that’s kind of hard to find due to the economy and its finical state right now. Many parents get divorces and families are not really united as they should. And from her own experience the “American dream” doesn’t exist. Throughout this short interview there was a really comfortable attitude and many things she spoke about others can also relate too. I have no doubt that miss Helene Prince would not only be successful in what she plans for her future but also influence the people around her.
Alex by Maggie
On a sunny December afternoon Alex Brumfield sat down to talk about his life and future plans. Alex is a senior Creative Writing major at School of the Arts. He is a very friendly and happy person and his personality shined through in our conversation. Alex comes from a large family with 2 younger brothers and numerous older siblings. “My brothers can be annoying at times, but I still love them.” Alex has always been interested in how people think and this curiosity led him to pursue an interest in psychology. He wants to major in this field and someday become a school counselor. Alex is applying to Alfred University, Buffalo University, RIT, Penn State, University of Michigan and St. John Fisher. His first choice is Alfred, even though “it’s in the middle of nowhere.” “In 20 years I will hopefully not be living on the streets but living in a big house with a family.” Along the way Alex hopes to achieve his dream of skydiving and finally learn how to ride a bike. Alex’s biggest fear is also insecurity “My biggest fear is looking or sounding stupid.”
Alex enjoys writing, especially about friends, people and experiences. On his spare time he also enjoys listening to alternative indie music, like Regina Spektor. He also enjoys watching The Buried Life and Keeping up with the Kardashians; “Kim is my favorite because Kourtney has all that drama with Scott and Khloe is just there.” His favorite movie is 500 Days of Summer and his favorite book is “Pride and Prejudice” He loves all baked goods but does not like cheesecake. When asked what motivates him he said “Myself.” Alex is looking forward to next year: “I want to go to college and have a lot of fun.” Wherever Alex ends up going, he will do well and his fun easygoing nature will ensure that we will have lots of fun.
Nell by Carlos
The other day I had the chance to get to know one of my many classmates in the form of an interview. Being one of the many new students I never thought I would ever know too much about we had a smooth successful interview. Nell is a senior at School Of The Arts majoring in music on the piano. I asked Nell what she felt was her greatest improvement throughout these years of high school and she stated that she now has a steady GPA and that was her greatest improvement. I also learned of her various hobbies, which include video games, piano, reading, and Sudoku. Nell enjoys reading books on psychology researching various mental issues. During our interview she seemed deeply interested with this topic. Upon further questioning it was revealed that her favorite genre of game is role-playing. I decided I would bring up the question about Nell’s future plans and I learned she’s interested in attending the University of Rochester to study psychology in the clinical field. In some ways I was intrigued that she would pick such a career path and I questioned why she made this decision to pursue a career in psychology, and Nell said that in clinical psychology they work with specific disorder treatments. Talking to Nell I could tell she had her heart set on pursuing this path and to reach her goals successfully. So I decided since it is our last year here at School of The Arts I would ask what Nell what she feels is the best thing here at SOTA. Nell believes that the drama department in School Of The Arts is probably our best program. Nell has attended several plays here at SOTA and she sounded as though she really enjoyed the ones she was able to watch. The plays she stated she enjoyed the most were some of our Shakespeare plays including the Macbeth play we performed a few years back. Nell also told me that one of the reasons she attended some of the plays was because her older sister used to attend SOTA a few years ago as a drama major and was actually in a few of the plays she attended. Although our interview was very brief I feel I did learn quite a bit about my classmate and I did learn a few interesting things I never expected about Nell.
Shayla by Monica
On December 1st,Thursday afternoon, I sat down with Shayla Sanders and discussed about SOTA Life and her opinions on the school and various things in the school such as administration, students, and academics. She was very polite and had great responses to the questions I asked her. She had good posture and good eye contact. Shayla Sanders is a eighteen year old Creative Writing Major at School of the Arts. Being a senior, she had many comments about her experiences at the school and how it has affected her. I started the interview by asking her how she felt about being a high school student and did she feel like she missed out on any of the high school experiences that are expected during the four years. She felt that she “didn’t receive a natural high school experience.” She referred to the T.V series Degrassi, as showing false high school experiences. In the show they show the different classes as the clicks of the school, for example the seniors were all at a party. She feels that the students are more separated than the show, which wasn’t what she expected coming into the school. We discussed the school itself, if she felt the school was as good as everyone says. She partially agreed with this statement, saying it’s better than some city schools but it’s not as extravagant as people assume SOTA to be. She followed the question by including what she would change about the school. “The school would be bigger and longer.” She also would change the amount of arts offered to students, making more of them to give the students a larger groups of alternatives. And also add more academic classes based on what students want to major in after high school, such as psychology. “Even though it’s an art school it should be more rounded.” she added. I also asked her if she felt that students pursue careers according to their majors after school. She responded, “Not at al!” She used herself as an example, saying the only reason she majored in writing was because it is a skill that is beneficial for any job. I asked her how she had felt about the art teachers, “Its cool that we have teachers that have actually done things according to the majors they teach.” She used her creative writing teacher, Mr. Craddock, as an example discussing about the various novels and poetry books he’s published. “They teach what they love.”, which she feels is a great job for anyone. I began asking her about administration and behavior in the school. I asked if Shayla felt the suspensions that are given to students due to bad behavior are affective. She feels that it is “pointless… They miss school and learning from the classes for whatever amount of days and when they fall behind are required to make up their work on their own.” I ended the interview by asking her if she felt administrators and school officer’s help regulate behavior. “No I feel like they become friends with the bad kids and grow relationships with them… they get away with more than they did before.”
Justice by Helene
Justice Dunwoody, right from the start you can say she is classy, well rounded and unique. Just from her appearance, as she assembled an elegant blouse, short slacks, and large dazzling earrings to match todays couture; she loves style and design. In her household Justice has two older siblings, Vanessa Dunwoody and Shawn Dunwoody. She is very close with both of her siblings. Both being School of the Arts alumni, just as Justice will be in the upcoming summer. She auditioned for School of the Arts her seventh grade year, pursuing her love for literature as a creative writing major. However sadly she regrets this decision and wishes she had another artistic talent to pursue. Over the years here at School of the Arts, once a passion, writing has become more of a chore. “It is boring and a lot of hard work, but I guess that’s what you get when you get older” Justice says. When asked why she didn’t change her major to something else she replies, “I can’t do anything else, I can’t sing or dance, or even build anything, writing is the only thing I am really good at.” Nevertheless her passion for the art has never faded. In class she will fully participate in any writing project, and enjoys using her imagination. When asked if she could write about anything in the world she exclaimed, “I love zombies, so I think I would write about a zombie apocalypse.” It would include a thrilling story line and maybe even a little comical humor to lighten the mood. Her love for zombies and writing correlate with one of her most active hobbies as well as what she wishes to pursue in college, filmmaking. When Justice Dunwoody graduates high school she would love to be accepted to the Rochester Institute of Technology, locally known as RIT, to study filmmaking in the world of movies, not music videos. When asked what her all-time favorite movie was she replied rapidly, “I do not have one, but in loving zombies I tend to lean toward anything scary and having to do with them.” As a hobby she is in the process and making of her own scary movies. She is currently working on about seven different exceptional movie ideas, but can’t seem to finish them. Nevertheless as a strong and determined girl she is set to finish at least one of her homemade movies and hopefully move on to bigger and better things in the world of film.
Nautica by Maddy
On a sunny December afternoon in Journalism class, I found myself having a conversation with Nautica Graham. She is very intriguing and has many valid points. We do not talk much but when I get the chance it is always interesting. Basketball and cheerleading are very important to Nautica. She has cheered for Southwest Coast since the age of seven and trains them as well. It is “naturally an all black cheerleading squad.” Not only has she cheered for Southwest Coast, she was also on School of the Arts’ team. It is a “novice team, I like cheering for Southwest better because it is more intense.” Asking Nautica what her other talents were she gave me many. She entered seventh grade at School of the Arts as a vocal major, but is presently a creative writing major. “I love to sing but I don’t like singing in front of other people, but I can dance so I could have been a dance major.” Her choreography for Southwest has helped the girls on the team get into School of the Arts. One of her many strengths is that she is a people person. “I feel like you need to be a people person to get by in life, attitudes bring more attitudes.” In 10 years Nautica sees herself at RIT working on becoming a sonographer. “I love babies so if I can’t work on sonography I would want to be a neonatal nurse but I don’t like blood.” She also sees herself married to her boyfriend that she has been dating for three years. The biggest dream Nautica has is not crazy. “I want to be successful enough to survive in the economy; I do not want to live check to check because it is a struggle.” In contrast her biggest fear is that she will end up struggling. “I see my family struggle and I do not want that to happen to me, I want to break the chain and be successful.” All of her motivation comes from observing her family’s struggle. “Money motivates me, I don’t have much but I will get a job and have money to get somewhere because I do not like to feel stuck. Once you are stuck it is hard to get out because my family has been stuck and I don’t want to be in that situation.” Nautica is a very strong individual and she will get far in life because her morals and motivation will help her get by in the life ahead of her.
Whitney by Shymel
The instant you meet Whitney White you are met with a sincere gentleness and innocent smile that is frequently difficult to come across in today’s chaotic world. I met with White on Thursday December 1, 2011 to ask a series of questions. White, 17 and a vocal major, is a senior at School of the Arts. She spent all of her life in Rochester, New York. This interview actually helped me to learn more about Whitney due to the simple fact that we don’t acquaint with one another often. So, to break the ice I asked White “How did you begin your morning?” She chucked and went on to say “Well, my mom woke me up, I got dressed, and did my hair and I guess I can say I drove myself to school”. Whitney was sporting an urban look of, baggy jeans, a Victoria Secret seat shirt and Nike sneakers that day so I asked if she would prefer a city or rural setting, she explained “A city setting like New York City, something upbeat” and then went on to say “Although, I don’t know if I could fulfill that fantasy maybe a place like Charlotte, North Carolina would be more realistic”. As the interview preceded it created a more light and humorous topic. I asked “if you could be an ice cream flavor which one would you be?” She answered “Hmmmmm, I would have to say maple walnut because it vanilla based; which relates to my traditional personality but, it has those extra components that make it that good”. This was getting interesting so I wanted to know if she preferred reading books or magazines and she went on to say, “Well, a magazine like Seventeen, Essence or Teen Vogue only because I’m so busy that I don’t have the time to actually sit down and read a book”. She explained that she doesn’t have time because she participates in many extra-curricular activities like singing, speech group and just school period so a magazine is better preferred. Well, when you participate in many activities you have to have some sort of driving force right? White shares that her mom could be her driving force, but her family is a driving force in itself because she has so many people to go to. Her family supports her to the fullest and for that she is thankful.
What’s behind the frame
Darnell Johnson
By Adeline Kathleen Ainsworth
Darnell Johnson:
Seventeen year old young man, he is a senior at the school of the arts high school in Rochester NY.
He sits across from me; he is tall and kind looking with a nice smile. He clears his throat and folds his hands in his lap, I begin by asking him about where he grew up:
Adeline: So, did you grow up here in Rochester?
Darnell: Yes, I did.
Adeline: What do you feel it was like growing up in Rochester?
Darnell: It was pretty peaceful. Tame really. But I got bored a lot and I think now when I graduate I’d really like to leave.
Adeline: At school of the arts what is your major?
Darnell: Instrumental Music.
Adeline: Is that something you plan on pursuing?
Darnell: It’s more of a hobby really. I don’t plan on pursuing it after high school, there isn’t really a huge market for musicians nowadays.
Adeline: Or ever.
Adeline: And what about your family? Are you an only child?
Darnell: I am an only child on my mom’s side anyways… My parents split up.
Adeline: Has your mother been an important part of your life or made a big impact on you as a person?
Darnell: Sort of. I would have to say my grandparents were more than anyone. My mom went to school and worked two jobs to make ends meet. So who I am today comes from my grandparents.
Adeline: And being the person you are today, where do you see yourself in ten years?
Darnell: Well, Probably with the rangers still…
Adeline: What’s that?
Darnell: A military branch. It’s what I want to do after I graduate.
Adeline: Very interesting Darnell, thank you for your time.
Latriece by Janiqua
I interviewed Latriece and the moment I met Latriece I was met with a smile, and a good sense of humor. She was very comfortable when I sat down with her and she was genuine. I met with Latriece on a Tuesday during our 7th period class. I met with her to ask some questions that would help me get to know her better. We talked about many of things, but first I started off with a nice simple question, and then we talked about things about that where about the same topic. Latriece attends School of The Arts and she is a drama major and she chose to do drama because she has been acting since she was 4 years old, and she heard about SOTA. She started acting at the age of 4 because when she was little she was dramatic and she still is dramatic she says. Since she was dramatic when she was little her mother thought it would be a good idea for her to take acting classes. Latriece said “it’s good to act because you can act like someone you’re not.” With Latriece being a drama major she has done many shows, but none of the shows she has done where SOTA shows. Even though she has not done any shows at SOTA she has been in different shows, and one was a black history play at the RBTL program, she has been in an American play at her elementary school, and she has recently done a play at a Jewish home. Latriece has done many plays, but even though she has and she seems very interested in theater she doesn’t want to major in it during college. She has been thinking about majoring in it but she doesn’t want to because it isn’t stable enough for her, as she stated she needs money. Since Latriece wants to go to college and study something different she wants to attend Buffalo State. She wants to attend Buffalo State because Buff. State has a program that no other college in New York offers. Buff. State also has an internship for TV that she hopes to get. She wants to go to Buffalo State because of those reasons and she also wants to attend Buffalo State because she wants to stay in New York for 2 years.
Lynnea by Karis
When Lynnea Tillery walked into the room I automatically knew what the topic of the day was. she looked great in her high rise jeans, tribal printed sweater and her little brown Oxfords from Forever 21. I had to know. What she was thinking when she picked out this outfit this morning? She said” I wanted to look comfortable…warm…nice. Presentable and stylish is what I was going for.” I have seen some of those pieces from her outfit before in some of my favorite stores. “So you seem like a very fashionable girl. What are your top 5 favorite stories and why?” I said. “Lord and Taylor because there is a variety and they have different designer, H&M because when I don’t have to search and look so long for the perfect size. Everything fits me, Pacific Sunwear because they just have great clothes and good quality, Aldo because they have comfortable shoes and …..Bebe because there clothes are fabulous and they have nice accessories.” she replied. I was impressed by her selection of stores. They were similar to mine. When I looked at her, words that came to mind were confident, outgoing attractive, and mature. I asked “What words would you use to describe your sense of style?” She said “girly. Because I don’t were baggy clothes and everything is tight and form fitting. Classy because I’m definitely not trashy and……unique because I don’t look like everyone else.
Addy by Darnell
She sits down, rather comfortable looking given the situation. My nerves are getting to me; wish I was better at interviewing. I ask her “where did you grow up and what was your childhood like?” starting simple seems to be the best way to go. She tells me that she was not born in Rochester but rather in northern California. She says that she moved around a lot but spent most of her days either in California or Rochester. Another simple question should keep things light and friendly, “what is your major here at SOTA?” “Creative writing”. She replies with a tone of dread, maybe I should see why; “I hear it’s one of the harder majors here.” The workload is intense according to her, makes sense when you’re major revolves around writing. “What are some of your hobbies?” She jokes at first about her ‘interest’ in relatively uninteresting things. “Mostly poetry and drawing” is her actual response. Her poise is of a much higher level than my own, I still seem to feel awkward asking these questions. “Do you have any favorite foods?” This question yields a pause, I wonder why. “Sushi.” Sushi? I must admit I did not anticipate that one. I’m running out of questions, better think fast. “You said that you were a creative writing major, do you have any favorite authors?” This one sparked a fire in her, “Pablo Neruda, he’s a Spanish love poet. He compares things in nature to anatomy.” She pauses again, and then says that she finds beauty in his words. I suppose I should wrap this up, “what are your plans for after high school?” “I’m going to join AmeriCorps” I’ve never heard of this group. “What is AmeriCorps exactly?” “It’s like the Peace Corps but they mainly focus on America. They do some work overseas too but they try to stay at home and help around the country.” “Why AmeriCorps?” “Because I don’t need a college degree to join.” She must want to dive right in to helping others. I’ve run out of questions, time to end this with a smile and a sign of gratitude.
Idalis by Tatiana
Don’t give up and stay focused,” she said.
When asked what advice she would give to a struggling student Idalis Miranda responds with these passionate words of wisdom, simple yet inspirational. That Thursday afternoon as I sat down with Idalis I was immediately intrigued by her eagerness to start the interview with an open and positive attitude, and I was certainly not shocked that her responses were of the exact same composure. When opening with a question about her plans after high school, instead of receiving the typical shrug of the shoulders, or the mumbled “I dunno” that tends to escape the mouths of a lot of unfocused youth, Idalis made it clear of her desires to study psychology at Niagara University because of her broad fascination with the human mind. After discovering that wonderful sense of genuine determination she has I also learned of the motivation that supports it. With a deep breath of pure strength she explained that she would be the first in her immediate family to go to college, something that she was obviously very proud of, but not nearly resembling the pride and honor on her face when she revealed her source of motivation, her mother. “She taught me independence,” she said, explaining that her mother had made it through a lot on her own, and gives her strength when making decisions and encourages her to give 200% in everything she does. Speaking of that level of 200%, she was sure to provide an explanation for her gray sweatpants and white-T , saying that she had a basketball game later that afternoon, that she was more than excited and ready for. Outside of her studies, determination, and motivation there was a more sensitive side of Idalis that showed when she described her other hobbies, photography and playing her instrument of choice here at School of the Arts, the violin, and although her passions for violin have changed over the years she continues to keep the discipline of playing that instrument.. I also discovered when talking about her siblings, how family oriented and compassionate she is, with two older sisters, a twelve year old brother and a niece she shared how much she values the time that she spends with them. When closing the interview we ended on a somewhat goofy note, talking about her favorite movie Tower Heist, how she likes to spend time with her friends, and how she wishes she could drive. All in all through my interview with Idalis Miranda I discovered an incredible young person with motivation, and goals and determination to match, passions and hobbies she enjoys, and family and friends that she truly cares about. It was a pleasure to spend the time getting to know such a wonderful individual.
Philip by Dasia
Me: Why did you decide to attend SOTA?
Philip: SOTA wasn’t my first pick, I actually wanted to go to East but my mom said since I was good at acting, I might as well go to SOTA to pursue drama as a major.
Me: Why did you want to go to East?
Philip: I was good at football and track and east is very good at sports and they’re more of a sports built school.
Me: So SOTA isn’t good enough at sports?
Philip: (laughs) not at all
Me: What do you plan on doing after high school?
Philip: I plan on going to Onondaga for two years, majoring in business and accounting. After that I planned on attending Syracuse University to obtain my masters degree in business.
Me: Do you plan on playing sports in college?
Philip: Yes. I plan on running track for two years at Onondaga and hopefully running track on Syracuse’s track team.
Me: How would you describe your personality?
Philip: I’m quiet to those who do not know me, but as I get more comfortable with people they see me as being very outgoing. I don’t really like confrontation, but when it happens, I don’t shy from it. I am extremely fun loving, I’m quiet at times, but I can be very hyper as well.
Me: What do you like to do for fun?
Philip: I love chilling with girls, and my friends. I like playing video games, basketball, football, pretty much every sport. I like watching movies with Samuel L. Jackson, texting, listening to music E.T.C. Also attending sporting events.
Me: What do you like about Samuel L. Jackson?
Philip: He’s loud and obnoxious and he doesn’t take shit from anybody. He also reminds me of my uncle Nelson.
Me: What is your favorite movie?
Philip: My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction, Friday, Paid in Full, its too many to go on.
Me: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Philip: I see myself owning my own business of some sort. I have no idea what its going to be yet, but I know I don’t want to work for anyone.
Me: Why not?
Philip: Well from working in Seal’s they pretty much tell us what we need to do and I don’t want to be told what to do. I want to make my own rules and set my own prices.
Jenee by Melissa
On December 1st I was assigned to interview a girl whom I had not spoken with since 8th grade. Jenee Skinner invited me into her life by answering some questions with some very complex, deep answers. Since the last time Janee and I talked, she has moved to Manhattan Square in downtown Rochester, and has expressed how she misses the area she used to live in. Along with her home, Jenee has changed internally. In 8th grade, Jenee had a low self-confidence, and used to think, “put on a pair of earrings so you don’t look like a man” but now, all that has changed. Jenee now feels more comfortable in her skin, and is more confident in herself than before. She said she “realized it’s better to be herself rather than something others expect”. She explained to me her relationship with God and dance, and how it has helped her through the past couple of years. She said; “Dance is a release, an emotional breakthrough, while God is a support.” Janee also has another mentor, along with God, she has what is an adoptive mother relationship with someone, who she has looked up to in her recent years. During the last year Jenee tried to switch her major from creative writing, to dance, which sadly could not be done. She was told that she wouldn’t be at the same level as the other dancers, because she hadn’t taken as many classes as they had. Jenee is now a better student, with a GPA of 4.0, and improved writing skills. She struggles with procrastination, but she still gets it done.
Emmett by Tobi
When I sat down with Emmett Tross, there was immediately an air of serenity. He gave off a friendly atmosphere, and held himself very respectively. He‘s dressed very simply, in mostly greys: grey shirt, grey scarf, black pants; he had a simple, artistic aura about him, and it made it easy to jump right in.
My first question for him talked about the stress just about everyone is experiencing. When I asked him how he deals with it, he replied, simply, “Sing.” I wasn’t very surprised, though I decided to delve just a little further. I asked what his favourite thing to sing to ease the stress was, and he responded, again simply, “Opera.” At this point I knew the interview was going to be quite concise; Emmett himself told me that he was a very straight-forward guy, and his answers weren’t betraying that at all.
I asked him if he enjoyed his major next. He replied, “Yes,” then quickly after, “No.” I asked him to explain further, and he gave a bit of insight into how he feels: “Yes and no. I like it, but a lot of other people don’t really like it.”
I then asked if it was hard to get to where he is from where he was. He told me it was: “It was hard starting out, and having to catch up to all the people who had been doing it for years already. And it was harder to surpass them.” This is a feeling I’m sure we’ve all felt, yet it’s always a little surreal to think of someone so good at something having to start out with nothing.
I then asked if he planned on following his major through life; if he’d like to go to college for it. “Yeah,” he answered. “I’m going to college for Vocal Performance.” I asked if he would follow that as a career, and he laughed, and repeated, “Vocal Performance.” He said he’d applied at several musical schools, such as Eastman, Julliard, and Manhattan.
I then asked him if he was scared of going out into the real world alone, to which he laughed and interjected, “I already am.” I asked him if he had plans, and he told me he wanted to go to Europe for a few years to study music. Following that, I asked him where he saw himself returning. He said, “I wouldn’t go to New York City… Probably Boston. I’d work my way up from there.” I’d say that’s a good plan; diving in head first can lead to drowning, and he knows that. He’ll swim out from the shallow end, so to speak.
Summing up, I asked what his experience at School of the Arts was like. He said it was, “mostly good,” but that, “there were some bad times.” I asked what he’d miss most, and he laughed and said jokingly, “Nothing, this place sucks.” When he answered a bit more seriously, he simply said he’d miss, “the people,” the most; a kind and simple answer from a kind and simple person.
At the end I asked if he had anything to add. He smiled at me and said, “Nope.” Again, that conciseness proved to hold true. We shook hands, and we went our separate ways.
Emil by Eliana
I had the opportunity to get to know one of my class partners, Emil McGriff. Sitting in senior lounge I asked him some silly questions. I asked him if he had to be a cop or robber he said he’d rather be a robber for a while because he thinks they’re hardcore for the things they do, and he’d execute a perfect history making heist and when he turned himself in he’d help catch other bad guys. Between Coke and Pepsi he prefers Pepsi because his girlfriend Melissa like Coca-Cola and therefore he has to like Pepsi because
“It’s what you gotta do” his major is saxophone right now but he started in 7th grade with the flute. I asked him why he changed instruments and he said that he got picked on and called gay because he played flute. In elementary he had wanted to play drums but he’s glad he started with flute; he had an amazing teacher called Ms.Chadwick, even though he calls he “a bit of a nut case”. I ask him how saxophone is going for him and he tells me that all hours of practicing and stage fright may be bad but it’s worth it because he feels himself expressing who he is in a colorful and creative way. Upon his switch he was teaching himself saxophone, which I found so interesting. It goes to show that when you really want to do something you can find anyways to master it, the way I taught myself how to dance salsa. Emil’s family has also had a huge influence in his life; his whole family is involved in music. They had a traveling group called the McGriff Family Singers. He smiles and sais “they got me stocked about music”. One time they went to Cleveland and forgot his aunt at home and she was really young at the time. She was jumping on the bed and jumping out the window his grandpa caught her by the feet before she hit the ground. We both laughed imagining this. When I asked him what he’d like to accomplish in life, he said he wants to be an FBI agent and have money for his future wife and kids. And he really just wants a happy life. So I asked him how he’d like to die, and his eyebrows furrow and he laughs. I tell him I’m just kidding but he tells me anyway that he wants to be doing something totally awesome.
Cestaris by Kamille
Today I met up with Cestaris and we had a conversation about what she had on. We had a laid-back conversation peer to peer.
Me: What inspired you to wear a full jean outfit today?
Cestaris: Well I thought that today jean would fit the weather.
Me: I see that you got that jean jacket from American eagle. Is that your favorite store?
Cestaris: Well yes that I like that store but my favorite store would have to be Forever 21.
Me… O really, so where you very exited when they opened the new store in Eastveiw mall? Have you been yet?
Cestaris: I was thrilled. I was exited because the bigger the store was the more of a selection of clothes were offered.
Me: So by any chance are you interested in the Fashion world?
Cestaris: I am actually thinking about it. The Fashion in Rochester is not that great so I would have to move to New York. But I am unsure because I do not want to leave my family or church.
Me: So you are very always with your family?
Cestaris: Yes I am always with my family and also my church I would want to be around to watch it expand.
Me: That’s great you seem like a nice well-rounded young lady that plans to go far. Thanks for allowing me to interview you.
Cestaris: Your more than welcome.
Shymel by Whitney
Going to a school which is honed artistic it’s a given that Shymel Hardy would go down that path without hesitation. “It has taught me to be open minded, not to be ashamed of my talents and uniqueness and to except the inner me.” He walked up to the interview with a smile and was eager to start, sporting a wool cardigan, a black shirt, black fitted jeans and silver metallic smiffies. A dance major at School of the Arts and a lover of fashion he’s quick to tell you that his dream and drive to become a fashion designer/ model is all due to the support he’s given from his Mother who has encouraged him to pursue his dreams. His journey with fashion has developed fast; he’s currently doing an internship at Eye Candy Clothing and has traveled to New York City for fashion purposes, has modeling experience, and has met with fashion designers. Aside from fashion he has several other interests, this past summer he went to a culinary camp facilitated by Wegmans, and says that he is also interested in going into communications. A known name at the School of the Arts he was voted School President at the end of last school year, and when asked why he ran he responded by saying that he sees his self as a leader and wanted to, “be a part of the development and growth of the school.” He has a lot planned for this school year. Just recently SOTA held its annual juniors versus senior’s basketball game, and Shymel along with his cabinet are in the works of planning the second annual fashion show, talent show, outside activities (field day, survival of the fittest), a lock in for seniors, and school dances. Along with planning events he has the duty of participating in activities such as the school based planning team and a leadership program for class presidents through Monroe Community College. Aside from his duties as school president and aspirations to have a career in design and fashion he dances at a local dance studio. With all that he’s juggling, he still finds time to wind down and enjoy some of his favorite past times. Listening to the music of Pharell Williams whom Shymel views as his role model, Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Kid Cudi, reading magazines such as Nylon Guys that exhibit “cool pictures” that catch his eye, surfing the net for blogs; of which he’s created some of his own, and stopping by Facebook, and gossip sites (Media Takeout) for a little entertainment here and there. A long with being school president and teenager Shymel plays the role of big brother. When asked if he sees himself as a role model for his little brother he said “Yes, naturally, I see him copy my actions, and we’re very close,” and he considers that in his every day. Shymel describes himself as outgoing, motivated, artistic, creative, intelligent, stylish, and a leader. Watch out for this determined lad, he’s on the road to success.
Chabelli by Brennan
Seventeen year old Chabelli Janae Stewart was born on Augst 2, 1994.We started off taking about colors, as clearly she is a fashionable ladey. "One of the many favorite colors is orange cause it looks nice against my skin tone." With her sense of style, I couldn't agree more.
She tells me her ethnicity is Puerto Rican and I can't help but notice she exudes a tropical warmth. I asked her if she faced any particular challenges as a Puerto Rican. She told me there were none; but in fact she notes that there knows of difficult situations for others, but does not go into detail.says she talks about others be we did not go into detail. Chabelli looks at life with a positive attitude, no matter how bad things might appear. She spends her free time with her boyfriend and her family, but realizes that with time comes the natural losing touch with friends. For now, though, she's going to "let the good times role."
Jaquana by Newton
Seventeen-year-old Jaquana Watkins, Senior at the School Of The Arts is a Rochester resident who upon first meeting appears as a genuine yet reserved young woman. Though her shyness could only be from not knowing me very well, I sat down with Jaquana to understand more about her as well as to open an opportunity for others to discover her character. Though I wasn't acquainted with Jaquana other than her being in some of my classes in the past, I did not hesitate to ask about her place at School Of The Arts. Jaquana in response stated that she was an instrumental major and played the violin. “I started playing Violin in the 4th grade” she began to tell me. She then continued by explaining how “it was difficult to play the violin at first because I couldn’t read music, but as I began to learn music it got easier for me”. Jaquana went on with “I have enjoyed most of my time at school of the arts” even with stating“at first I didn’t want to attend the School of The Arts, I wanted to attend Wilson magnet highschool. As far as extracurricular activities Jaquana was previously in the chess club in 9th grade and likes to spend time listening to music outside of school currently. She says that as far as pet peeves go, she is annoyed by people who think they are better than others. “I try to keep my distance away from those people”. I asked Jaquana about her life at home where she stated “I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.” She then elaborated “my little brother looks up to me while I look up to my grandparents. Jaquana says her grandparents are good people and have ‘been married for a long time”. Upon asking if she was involved in any religion, she stated that she was a Christian and went to church on most Sundays. “I am involved in church because I listen to the messages that the preacher gives” she states. As far as plans for after highschool Jaquana plans on going to M.C.C and then transferring to Spelman University. As far as study Jaquana wants to study psychology explaining “I know a lot of people who don’t have someone to talk to”. As far as the current mood, I asked Jaquana how she was feeling now where she responded “I’m feeling mad because my allergic reaction hasn’t gone away and I have to work today.
Shaela by Idalis
The moment you meet Shaela Garcia you are met with a smile and a genuine kindness that is often hard to find in today’s fast and impersonal culture. I met with Shaela on a dull Thursday afternoon to ask a series of questions. These questions would hopefully offer those who are not quite so acquainted with Shaela a chance to see her as more than just another peer and a get to know an individual unlike themselves and their close friends. Although words between Shaela and I are few and far between as I sat down with her I did not feel uncomfortable asking personal questions mostly due to her warm and inviting personality. Her attire was some jeans; a jacket and some uggs. She looked like she was ready for this cold weather. As the interview proceeded it began on a somewhat light and basic topic questions. Shaela is a theater tech major here at School of the Arts. Shaela best school subject is science. She says its, “Fun to learn about the world.” After high school Shaela plans on attending college for nursing. She has applied to all the community colleges, such as FLCC and GCC. She wanted to go out of state because she does not like the cold weather in Rochester, NY. Something Shaela hopes would happen to her is graduating college with a nursing degree or the highest degree she can get herself. In thirty years Shaela sees herself nursing or with a more so higher degree such as a doctor. During the interview as I asked Shaela these questions about her future, I noticed she has a great head on her shoulders, is very determined, and has a passion for school. Someone Shaela is inspired by and admires is her dad. She said, “My dad has taught me don’t let your past affect your future.” With this information Shaela doesn’t look back and regret but she learns from her mistakes. She used to like sports (soccer and softball) until freshman year. She wanted to be more focused on school. Shaela’s hobbies are helping out with the plays and shows here at School of the Arts. Also eating and sleeping. On her free time she likes to relax, eat and sleep some more. As I asked shaela these questions she seems to have a fun, humorous, outgoing personality. I asked Shaela what is more important, love or money? At first she said love because money does not always make you happy. But then she said money can make you happy but it’s not going to make you warm at night. Her favorite color is green. Most people would say green because of money. Not Shaela, she said green because of her eyes. Also she said, “Most green stuff usually taste better.” The last question I had asked her was if you were an animal, which would you be? Shaela said a sloth because they move slow and are lazy just like her on her free time. No matter what Shaela Garcia decides to do with the rest of her life the many great qualities she has will be sure to help to take her there. It was pleasure learning about yet another individual among the hundreds in our school.
Janiqua by Latriece
Greeting a very happy Janiqua, wearing a red shirt (my favorite color by the way), the interview I had with her went very well. Janiuqa a theater tech major at School of The Arts have been involved in many of the plays that has taken place at School Of The Arts. Loving to build things Janiqua has taken a huge interest in building sets and creating sets that she may want to further work in the Theater teching field in college. In school Janiqua, who has been on honor role since being at SOTA has excelled in her academic and also art classes, calling school “stressful”, Janiqua really loves it and plan on going to school next Fall School year. Embarking on college Janiqua wants to study medicine and become a pediatrician. Saying with a warm smile “ I really like kids , and love to help people so why not become a pediatrician”, Janiqua looked as if becoming a pediatrician is definitely what she wants to do. Socially Janiqua repeatedly said how she likes to have a select few friends calling them her “Loop”. “I like to have only a few trusted friends around, just to stay away and out of drama”. Janiqua playfully talks about how she likes to play around and chill with her friends whenever she’s free, and laugh at how none of them can dance. Volunteering not her hobby per say, Janiqua wants to hopefully make it soon because she says she “needs it”. Ending the interview with a a laugh about Janiqua’s really stylish glasses Janiqua kgives hope for teens of the 21st century showing that not everyone has to beretro that there are still traditional teens today.