Advertising Project:
In groups of two, you will design your own commercial to perform live in front of the class on Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, December 20. You may advertise a product of your choice, or create your own product. If you create your own product, you must explain what that product is, what it does, who uses it, etc. in your final script.
After you have decided on a product, consider who your target audience will be and keep this in mind as you begin to write your commercial. The commercials must be one minute long and memorized. They must include at least two of the persuasive techniques we have analyzed. Refer to the blog for a list of these techniques. Your commercial must also include music and/or sound effects, using the knowledge you gained of media production techniques. On Monday and Tuesday of next week, you will perform these commercials for the class. Aside from your performance you must hand in a script of your commercial, including…
1. -The dialogue, including stage directions (i.e. boy walks in with Snickers in his hand)
2. -Your target audience
3. -The two persuasive techniques you chose to use and how they were used, as well as the rhetorical techniques used (ethos, logos, pathos)
4. -The music that is included and when it is cued
5. -The lighting, framing, color, etc. that would occur if this really appeared on television
6. -A description of your product if you have created your own
You will be graded on:
-Use of persuasive techniques
-Use of media effects (music and/or sound effects)
-A script that includes your target audience, the techniques you have chosen, and your dialogue
-Memorization of your commercial
In groups of two, you will design your own commercial to perform live in front of the class on Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, December 20. You may advertise a product of your choice, or create your own product. If you create your own product, you must explain what that product is, what it does, who uses it, etc. in your final script.
After you have decided on a product, consider who your target audience will be and keep this in mind as you begin to write your commercial. The commercials must be one minute long and memorized. They must include at least two of the persuasive techniques we have analyzed. Refer to the blog for a list of these techniques. Your commercial must also include music and/or sound effects, using the knowledge you gained of media production techniques. On Monday and Tuesday of next week, you will perform these commercials for the class. Aside from your performance you must hand in a script of your commercial, including…
1. -The dialogue, including stage directions (i.e. boy walks in with Snickers in his hand)
2. -Your target audience
3. -The two persuasive techniques you chose to use and how they were used, as well as the rhetorical techniques used (ethos, logos, pathos)
4. -The music that is included and when it is cued
5. -The lighting, framing, color, etc. that would occur if this really appeared on television
6. -A description of your product if you have created your own
You will be graded on:
-Use of persuasive techniques
-Use of media effects (music and/or sound effects)
-A script that includes your target audience, the techniques you have chosen, and your dialogue
-Memorization of your commercial
-Timing- you have only one minute.
And you will receive a rubric to grade your partner. This will count as a test grade.
You may film your commercial or perform live. Plan accordingly. If your partner is not here, you'll need to adapt. Anyone not completing the project will have paper assignment instead.
A synopsis of your project, which will include who you are partnering with- if any one- and what product you are advertising. I'm putting this in as a classroom participation grade. Anything not received by the end of class is a 0.
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