We are beginning a unit on photojournalism.
Before proceeding, please go to this site and for the next few minutes, look at the images. Really look. These photos all showed up in news services. Why? What makes them note worthy? Have they anything in common? Quick write/ quiz grade. Answer that question in approximately 100 words an send it along.
Please note the following for a test on Friday March 2. It will consist of explaining the key concepts and terms, plus short reponses to the seven aspects of photography that follow. There is a substantial amount of reading. I suggest you take notes and look at the accompanying images. I'll give you time in class today and tomorrow; however, you will be starting the first part of your photojournalism projects on Wednesday. Make productive use of your time.
• Despite the ease of the technology, taking a good picture – one that is worthy of good journalism – is difficult; it takes both skill and planning.
• Three types of photos dominate photojournalism – 1.establishing shots, 2. midrange shots and 3. close-ups.
See examples at right. Be prepared to identify.
• Pictures can be inaccurate in that they can place information in an
inaccurate context; photojournalists must have the same commitment to truth and
accuracy that other photojournalists have.
• A pen and notebook are as important to the photojournalist as a camera.
• Three of the most important elements in making a good photograph are drama,
emotion and action.
• Mug shot – journalistic slang for a picture of a person’s head and
• Cropping – in the photo editing process, eliminating unnecessary parts
of a photograph.
• Scaling – changing the size of a picture to fit into a publication or
web site.
• Proportionality – maintaining the relationship between the width and
depth of a photograph when it is being changed in size; the opposite of
proportionality is distortion.
• Cutline – the words that explain what is in a photograph. Cutlines are sometimes hard to construct, but they are very important.
Photographers do not always have to write the cutlines for their pictures
(although they should do so whenever they get the chance). They should
gather the information needed for a cutline, including the names (spelled
correctly) of the people visible in their photos. This, of course, is not always possible.
- Associated Press policies on electronic handling of photos
The following statement of our policy on electronic handling of photos was issued in 1990, the infancy of high speed photo transmission and digital picture handling. It is as valid today as it was then.
Electronic imaging raised new questions about what is ethical in the process of editing photographs. The question may have been new, but the answers all come from old values.
Simply put, the Associated Press does not alter photographs. Our pictures must always tell the truth.
The computer has become a highly sophisticated photo editing tool. It has taken us out of a chemical darkroom where subtle printing techniques, such as burning and dodging, have long been accepted as journalistically sound. Today these terms are replaced by "image manipulation" and "enhancement." In a time when such broad terms could be misconstrued, we need to set limits and restate some basic tenets.
The content of a photograph will NEVER be changed or manipulated in any way.
Only the established norms of standard photo printing methods such as burning, dodging, toning and cropping are acceptable. Retouching is limited to removal of normal scratches and dust spots.
Serious consideration must always be given in correcting color to ensure honest reproduction of the original. Cases of abnormal color or tonality will be clearly stated in the caption. Color adjustment should always be minimal.
In any instance where a question arises about such issues, consult a senior editor immediately.
The integrity of the AP's photo report is our highest priority. Nothing takes precedence over its credibility.
ART and photography
It was only after the turn of the century that photography began to breach the walls of the gallery and museum world in America, and even then with limited success. Now, however, photographs can sell for six figures — not in the same league as the millions for a Van Gogh painting, but not exactly chump change either — and be presented in fine art museums, not industrial expositions.
The question remains: if photography is an art, what kind of art is it? If we call a specific photograph a work of art does that mean it shows technical excellence? That it reminds us of a particular kind of painting or drawing? Provides a good record of something we regard as beautiful, such as a sunset?
Photographs need not be unique, unlike the Mona Lisa and other paintings, except for daguerreotypes. It's possible to make a lot of copies, so what does rarity mean? (Some photographers are now making "limited editions.") And since photographs can be taken in many ways, what makes one artistic and one ordinary? In the early days of the twentieth century, photographs imitated painting as the way to claim artistic status, modelling a photograph on Whistler's famous painting of his mother, or recording a New York skyscraper with compositional devices learned from Japanese prints and a dreamy softness that removed the image from being confused with an "objective" factual record.
Then along came modernism, and photography eventually caught up, with sharp-focus, and up-to-date notions of subject matter and treatment. Edward Weston's image of a pepper takes something that is familiar and common, isolates it to concentrate attention on it, and through careful lighting and printing makes it look like a monumental sculpture.
Finally . . . along came post-modernism, in the guise of Andy Warhol, who used photographs as the basis for paintings. Many photographers were no longer trying to go out and make pictures "from nature" in the manner of Ansel Adams. Adams, the figure probably most identified with beautiful photographs by the general public, was a man whose ideas about art were essentially ninteenth-century ideas. Post-modern photographers in the late twentieth century appropriated images from other sources such as photojournalism or advertising, or staged their own scenes instead of trying to go out on the streets and capturing "real life." Photography became a tool, and a modern and useful one. Beauty was one thing, "interesting visual images made using photography" was another, maybe. That's where we are today.
In slightly over a century and a half, photography has gone from outsider to insider status, but now the rules of the art game seem to have changed, as "mixed media" (collage and installation art, with photography, painting, and sculpture joined) and "new media" (video and computer) disrupt the old-fashioned divisions into painting, sculpture, and prints and drawings. Photography may be the new kid on the block, but the whole neighborhood is changing fast.
Photography and War
War photography also raises questions about freedom of the press, with government control inevitably at issue. There is always the possibility that censorship by the government and self-censorship by photographers, editors, and publishers, combine to limit what we see about any particular military situation.
The history of the century has been the history of changing versions of the conflict between the government and the press, and changing photographic coverage. In World War I, censorship was heavy, access to the front for photographers was limited, and there were relatively few photographs of actual combat. (Some of the supposed war photographs look staged.) In World War II, for the first time, photographs of American dead were published. After initially being held back by censors, a photo of three American corpses lying on the beach after a landing in the Pacific appeared in Life magazine.
In Korea, the nature of the war ("police action" in official parlance) led to some nasty fighting and, in David Douglas Duncan's famous photographs, a sense of exhaustion rather than triumph. In Vietnam the photos (and television images, both a rival and complement) were more explicit and more shocking: images of a Buddhist monk burning himself to death, a napalmed young girl running down a road, a South Vietnamese general executing a Viet Cong suspect, Vietnamese villagers massacred by U.S. troops at My Lai. All became icons of the war and helped turn public opinion.
The Pentagon and the government learned from what they perceived as a mistake of allowing the medium too much freedom. The press was throttled at Grenada and again during the Gulf War, where photographers were kept away from the combat zone except under tightly controlled conditions. In the Gulf War, virtually no combat photographs were published, so that it was left to images of the aftermath to suggest what had happened — and then a photograph of an incinerated Iraqi soldier caused a controversy because of its graphic revelation.
That picture was a shocking reminder of what actually happened. In a world where the United States public and politicians want only casualty-free wars, the imagery of war is becoming video images showing cruise missiles and plane-launched bombs, along with official shots of the military in effect "on parade," i.e., in controlled, even staged circumstances, and shots — how ironic that term — of refugees, the casualties of war.
In the aftermath of Vietnam, government control of the media in wartime is once again an acute issue. The situation now resembles that during the pre-Vietnam era. The military wishes to strictly limit access and publication; the press insists on the right to see all and show all.
Digital Truth
It is true that The National Geographic moved two of the Egyptian pyramids closer together on a cover, to fit the vertical format. And, yes, the cover photo on A Day in the Life of America was manipulated to move the cowboy closer to the moon, again to fit the format.
When will digital manipulation become a serious problem? We'll see. So far, no digitally manipulated image has provided the occasion for a major crisis in the truth-versus-falsehood department. It may happen tomorrow, or it may never happen as imagined, with someone creating a fake of something important and getting away with it at first, affecting public opinion.
The problem is that with digital manipulation of photographic images so simple, a slippery slope is created where minor cleaning up of an image can easily lead to major changes. It is not easy to identify a point where truth is lost and the picture enters the realm of fiction. In a world of images showing the most fantastic, imaginary situations in the most realistic, convincing fashion — think of science-fiction films, or the more exotic kinds of still advertising images — the balance may be shifting between traditional straightforward photographs and more spectacular kinds of images made through digital manipulation. It is possible that audience tastes and our sense of an image's credibility are shifting as well: do we still draw sharp lines between news photographs and the other pictures we see in newspapers and magazines?
Our sense of the truth to be found in images may be changing because of digital manipulation. But we still are waiting for our first great test case of digital truth, that is, digital lying.
Presidential Image Making
Advertising and Persuasion
By the late ninteenth century, advertisers were already convinced that illustrations sold goods, but the shift to photography came after World War I, during the 1920s as the modern advertising industry exploded. Photographs were thought to be more convincing because of their "realism" and "truthfulness."
Social Change
In the late ninteenth and early twentieth centuries Jacob Riis, a Danish-born journalist, used photographs to help support his arguments about the need to reform slum life. The title of his most famous work, How the Other Half Lives, remains a simple description of how social photography generally operates, providing a look at the lower classes to awaken the conscience of the middle and upper classes.
Lewis Hine, known for his photographs of child labor, thought that photography could be "a lever for the social uplift." He believed in the realism of photography as a means of providing unquestionable evidence, although he also used accompanying captions and text to give the photographs even more punch by providing telling information.
Today, photographers continue to use the camera to win support for social causes: poverty and homelessness, AIDS, the farm crisis, the environment. Sometimes they work independently, sometimes they work as photojournalists, sometimes they work for charitable organizations or government agencies. It has never been easy to find support for social reform photography, or to find outlets where it can be published. But many dedicated photographers are still fired by the belief that if they can show hardship and injustice truthfully, fairly and forcefully, people who see their pictures will be moved to respond.
Cultural Identity
Someone who belongs to a group may have greater personal experience and knowledge of its ways and may elicit a more trusting, open response. Social proximity can lead to a physical and psychological closeness made evident in the photographs. But insider status is no guarantee of pictorial success. The results, as always, depend on the individual photographer and the elements of the specific situation. Partly as a result of ethnic pride movements and a greater concern with the ethical and political issues surrounding the use of photographs, a new wave of photographic work is now being done by members of different ethnic and racial groups, with a full consciousness of what it means to participate in self-representation. Some of the work is photojournalism, intended for publication in newspapers, magazines, and books. Some is art, intended more for presentation in galleries and museums. In either case, the photographers show a heightened awareness of the importance of controlling one's own image and the images that represent one's group.
Each of these pictures have a very important element in common, an element that is essential in all photojournalism. All of these pictures are narrative. These pictures tell you something about what happened, they convey a message. That are all note worthy because they exemplify the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words". Whether its a picture of a woman looking worried or a picture of a collapsed bridge. The point of these pictures is that you leave it with something, and something that maybe normal journalism can't convey as well. It gives you a little piece of experience from the situation that is being reported.
ReplyDeleteAll of these photos make on the cover of newsletters and newspaper for the simple reason that they tell a story. All though they are only still images, each one depicts a certain situation. For example they have a picture of an inmate leaning against a prison cell door. It depicts not only the loneness of the jail, but the depression cause by the loneness of being jailed. In another photo they show a kid who was killed in Syria. It shows the grief being caused buy the grief in Syria and how even the innocent children are hurt because of it. In closing, sometimes photos say more than words.
ReplyDeleteJenee Skinner
ReplyDeleteAreas of isolation such as Antarctica are rarely seen or brought in everyday life in New York even when our winters are intense. It seems like a great place for solitude, to appreciate a part of nature that isn’t the typical vacation. However there’s also an air of stagnation in the cold, frozen to one place, one time, unnerved by disturbances out of their own environment. The numbing seclusion provides a crisp clarity in contrast surprisingly to me (in relation with the cold). The simplicity of the landscape evokes an out of body experience – something outside of what I know and my place in the world (figuratively). With the quiet, there’s time to concentrate on what would usually be considered secondary such as true emotion, wants, and subconscious surfacing in place of the forced will to stay busy to survive and accepting someone else’s standard of living.
After I looked at these pictures I see why they are all news worthy because it’s meaning in every single picture. For example, in the “Afghanistan and Elsewhere” picture of the day it’s a picture of several Afghan protesters throwing near an American military base in Kabul on Wednesday. This is picture displays how the Afghan protesters are taking action and after the anger over the burning of Korans. This picture shows the anger of the Afghan protesters as they know rocks at the American Military.
ReplyDeleteAfter viewing photo after photo on the New York Times photojournalism archive, I noticed that in each photo, whether in black and white or vivid color there was a sense of emotion that each piece of art would portray or make me feel. I think that’s the beauty of a picture and why we often hear that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” We all speak different languages but a picture has a universal language of emotion. What makes them noteworthy is the message that these specific pictures provide that forces one to ask “What’s going on here?” it is this that makes them different from an average photograph, this is what makes it photojournalism because the photo sets the mood and we write the story using the emotion we get from what is in front of our eyes.
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ReplyDeleteJessica Minllety
ReplyDeletePhotojournalism assignment
I noticed that all the photographs, release some kind of emotion and connect to the reader, the way writing cant. The colors are vivid and there are patterns in the picture. Some pictures such as Coney Island evoke memories and thoughts. The pictures automatically tell you what is going on and highlights the main points. The pictures convey violence, threat, pain, and sentimental value. The pictures promote questioning as to possible explanations for the situation. I myself am curious about some of the pictures, they seem very interesting.BY using photos instead of words, you have to figure out what is going on in the picture.
After viewing the first picture of the California Men’s Colony I immediately made a connection, not personally but my first emotional reaction is the lives of the men that are incarcerated. How they have daily routines that they do every day, for some, for the rest of their lives. I think about how that effects them and makes them feel knowing they got there selves in the situation, I wonder if they think about their mistakes and regret the decisions and also realize that it doesn’t matter their feelings because of the choice they made that got them in there. I know some people that are incarcerated don’t feel emotion because the caliber of the type of person they are but how about the men who are put in there after mistakes they know they shouldn’t have made and the men that really were falsely accused and charged with life ending time.
ReplyDeleteShaundrana says...
ReplyDeleteViweing these few photos on New York Times Photojournalsim makes me feel a different emotion every time. Each photo shares a sense of either happiness or sadness. Looking at one photo can just simply tell you that person's story that quick. They make you wonder what exactly happened or makes you want to know more. A picture is worth more then a thousands words, sometimes we have to serach for more then what meets the eye.
All these photos all showed up in news services because they show the reality of the world and its problems. What makes them noteworthy is that these are little issues that have a major effect on the world. Little issues can be solved with the help of “all” people and our government. Some of them have things in common like a lot of people forgetting how far we have come in societies. Such as, helping each other. “So close, yet so far.” We have come a long way but we still have a long way to go in life.
ReplyDeleteThese photos have appeared in the news because they speak volumes about the problems, issues, and conditions that the world is facing. Once we are aware of what is going on in places such as Syria with all it's protests, we are much more likely to offer our support because we can see first hand the hell they have to go through with their government. It's important to be aware of what happens in the world. Awareness leads to a better tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThese photos are unique in there own way. Each photo shares a different story. That's probably what they have in common. The quote "take a picture, it last longer" is so true. These pictures can tell more stories by just staring at them. The most extraordinary that i think that these pictures posses is the guessing game behind them. Not knowing exactly what happened and how the picture came to be only makes your imagination wander. It's too bad that most of these pictures are due to worldly issues that needs to be taken care of, but the more people that looks at them, the more we can learn.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures were published because they each tell a story. In the foreground of the picture there is the main point the photojournalist wants the viewer to get, weather it be sadness or anger ect. The picture of the man holding he flag on war grounds is a prime example they show him and he symbolizes the whole country that is in pain from the war. All of the pictures have symbolism, they could also be taken literally but when pictures are so dramatic they represent something else, they are used to tell a story and to spread the word and keep the world aware of different issues or even something positive.
ReplyDeleteJames Vanhouter's reply:
ReplyDeleteEach picture shown in the link has it's own specific message. They're all world issues across the globe & this is what I believe they all have in common. After staring at each photo & it's message appeal it hits minds hard and makes people think on how they could support or help out with the issues at hand. All these messages makes one think into the future and how things may be then weather for the worse or for the better. The alert of these should affect many to help & support what they can for these world issues. We've developed things to help but always will stay in the progression for the better of solving these world issues weather little or big.
Wade Walker
ReplyDeleteI believe that these photos are news worthy photos for their own reasons. But they all have a story in front of the lens. It is said that each picture is worth a thousand words. That is what is essential in photojournalism. Each picture must tell their own story. Each photo must present itself in a way to where the looker is captivated by what is going on. The duty of photojournalism is to tell a story without words. That is what each one of the photos in the archive does. Each photo does tell a story, and they captivate people is different ways.
Overall, I do believe the pictures are news worthy. The photographers took these specific pictures to capture snippets of these events going on outside of our borders, whether literal or figurative. They allow us a rare opportunity to step out of our own egocentricism, to stop gazing within a mirror and instead through a window into the lives of someone else. Although merely screenshots, the composition and “in media res” effect of the camera shots allow one to empathize with those being captured within the small window. Even if it is for a small window of time, we’re able to ponder who these people are and how they live; they become something real to us, as opposed to a two-dimensional character in an article or reported on TV. They become something we can relate to, someone we care about, if even for a second.
ReplyDeleteBrianna Corbitt
ReplyDeleteIn the pictures that I’ve seen on the New York Times website, the pictures seemed to have general things in common. A lot of the images would have some sort of emotional appeal, whether it is a positive or negative emotion. Some images made me angry, while other images caused me to feel remorse toward the people captured in the photo. The photographers took advantage of their technique with lightning and the angling. The lighting and angling in certain images contributed to the emotions portrayed in each image. The images are noteworthy because if a picture can get sincere reactions out of others, great credibility should be given to the photographer. Emotional appeal within others will create interest. Interest will lead to popularity and this popularity will end with positive publicity.
Shayla Sanders
ReplyDeleteThese photographs were used in news services because they efficiently illustrate an event. A good photograph should be able to get an accurate prospective of what its happening. Even though the viewer is not physically there, the picture should allow their mind to enter that location. The viewer should also be able to feel the emotion captured within the photograph. This is what makes these photographs note worthy. The most powerful of the photographs are the ones based in Afghanistan. These are filled with a lot of emotion. They are great to use to show Americans the effect the war and our presence, has to those in Afghanistan. Every picture holds a story and that’s why these photographs were used in news services.
Carlos Feliciano
ReplyDeleteThe images presented as photojournalism have several things in common. One of the main things and probably more important is that all the pictures are narratives. In one way or another the photos tell a story, sometimes may get people to think about what they are looking at. A lot of the pictures have a great sense of emotion. The images in a way get you to experience the emotion of the picture and almost feel it yourself. Several of these pictures even give a very artistic feel to sometimes gruesome topics. The images that can portray such emotion and can clearly tell a story I feel are the best to use for photojournalism
The photojournalistic pictures utilize an appeal to pathos. Toying with the audience’s emotions while conveying an underlying message. In some pictures like Behind Bars and Beginning to Forget and Pictures of the Day: Afghanistan and Elsewhere the authors show social injustices using the power of imagery, which is why these noteworthy pictures showed up on news services. News services tend to always broadcast sad stories, which always get the attention of viewers. These photos convey a sad, gloomy, low-spirited mood and the audience is attracted to these visuals. The photos, in spite of it’s melancholy mood, shows a strong purpose and it is up to the audience to investigate through the cracks of the primary colors what that purpose is.
ReplyDeleteThese pictures depict some kind of controversy. For instance the first picture shows ice melting, which may bring up the topic of global warming, which may cause an uproar for the apocalypse; which is a very controversial topic. These photos depict struggle, which will often appeal to audiences with the same kinds of struggles. These pictures are note- worthy, because anything that causes controversy or some type of struggle will always appeal to an audience. The audience just depends on what kind of controversy it is.
ReplyDeleteEach one of these photos capture a little bit of life in the world about us. They are noteworthy because people are naturally curious about the going on's of the world, and each topic touched upon is something relevant and eye-catching for our time. Not only that, but each of these pictures are perfect conversation starters. What I mean by that is each photo shows a bit of controversy. Whether that be on politics or an environmental crisis, each one is little piece of something that will appeal to an audience by grabbing their attention and creating room for their own opinions. -Roberto Rivera
ReplyDeleteLatriece says- These pictures simply show the effect on time and causes. The ice melting shows the effect of Global Warming, and the cause of what it does to the environment. The picture of the Asian people crying shows the effect of the most likely an pacific war and the effect it has on people, given that they look really distraught and worn. The picture of Lee Harvey Oswald shows the effect of what happens when you commit a crime. Or maybe when you are framed or accused of doing so. To top everything off the pictures differentiating from black and white to color to very clear color shows the cause of technology and the effect of Digital Art in the world.