Monday, February 6, 2012

Public Service Project checklist

 ALL PROJECTS ARE DUE THIS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10 at the beginning of class.
Ten points off per day for late material.

1. Prepare a cover sheet that lists the following: your organization and the members of your group.
           a. Your event information: date, time, budget details (location, food / items/ speakers / entertainment)
           b. Press release (look at last Wednesday's blog); this is the promotion for your particular event.
           c. Public Service Announcement. No matter how you intend to convey this- podcast, video, live reading- you must turn in a script or scripts, depending upon whether you are working individually or in a group.  If you are working alone, this is one one minute PSA. If you are working in twos or threes, you have a second PSA of 30 seconds.  AGAIN, you must turn in a script.
           d. List of contacts to whom you would send your press release and psa(s).  These are the exact names, numbers of the people from two television and two radio stations.
           f. Promotional items: one if you are working independently, two for groups of two or three. These can be t-shirts or other physical object, brochures, posters, or a short video. You need to have an image of the object or the object itself to turn in on Friday.

How the presentations will work: This is essentially a sharing, but it's your opportunity to speak to a group, hence the grading: oral presentation, organization and content.  
1. You will introduce your organization, explaining its history and purpose. As you researched and wrote these out all ready, this will be done extemporaneously, that is no reading.
2. Present your Public Service Announcement (s). This is live or recorded.
3. Discuss your event.
4. Show your promotional materials. 

Once again all work is due Friday and is not related to your presenting your project.


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