Midterm: next Monday in class. Remember this is 25% of the marking period's grade.
In class today: please respond to your classmates' reflections on yesterday's blog. Make sure to begin by identifying who you are and to whom you are responding.
No credit will be given for anything received after Thursday 9am.
ReplyDeleteResponse to Asia
ReplyDelete-JaQuana says:
I agree with Asia. People always try to find someone else to blame for “bad” actions. There really are more important things than people winning a football game. If Tim Tebow’s team was better prepared, and was focused as the other team they would have won. Obviously they weren’t so let’s move on. Why try to connect God with football, and child rape? This is just an anti-God statement for people who don’t believe in God.
Response to Eliana
I agree with you. I believe that Tim Tebow acquired the skills required to be a good football quarterback. I don’t believe for a second that he just gets out on the field without practice or dedication and God just stops everything because he had to help the quarterback. Just because someone believes in God doesn’t mean that God is going to make them the best at whatever occupation they choose. They need to have the drive to keep building their talent to set them apart from the best. If all you had to do was have faith in God to win championships do you know how many V.I.P’s we would have. There is a lot of people who believe in God so why would he just help Tim Tebow. If you don’t believe in God don’t try to bash him and annoy people who do. Some people just don’t have anything else to do
In response to Chelse C..
ReplyDeleteYou make a valid point that caught my eye when you said "I don’t believe that God would be so interested in a football game to the point where he purposefully helps a specific team win or let a specific team lose". That's the same point I was trying to make I mean don't get me wrong some people may find football that interesting but let's be serious here GOD is not only focused on football.
In response to Nautica G..
You said "Anybody who believes in God gets a blessing in their time". Exactly! that was Tim Tebow's time and moment. His hard work and dedication got him there. He was very fortunate and lucky to win that game. But at the same time people are judging GOD. He doesn't have any specific football team or anything of that nature. So Tim's blessing may have came before the others that are starving.
Newton Watson
ReplyDeleteIn Response to Thomas Enders
I can see what you mean. The author does seem to take things out of proportion. Although I did see where he was coming from on some points, I think his motive for writing this article was based on his own views when it comes to the subject of religion. I don't there's reason for a poll to be taken so seriously. Though it isn't always atheists undermining Christians beliefs. It happens the other way around too. It's an example of what happens when you're too radical with your opinions and have intolerance for the beliefs of others.
Tatiana Williams
ReplyDeleteIn response to Whitney:
“I am a firm believer that God works in my life everyday and plays the biggest role in all of the success that I have received and will receive in my life.” I agree with Whitney’s statement on both a personal and logical level. Amore had a very condescending and inappropriate tone in which he made a lot of uneducated assumptions that also made me question his faith and relationship with God. I think both of us recognized this and took offense somewhat to the legitimacy of the arguments Anthony Amore was making.
In response to Asia:
“I believe one must build a relationship with God, nothing is perfect in this world and God is in a ultimate battle with the devil.” Asia has a lot of great points in her article, and I too took offense to some of the remarks that Amore made. She also points out that we must consider the different faiths and views of individuals and be sensitive to them, and that is absolutely true. We must focus on the bigger picture like Asia suggests which is taking into account the range of opinions and respecting the beliefs of others.
Newton Watson
ReplyDeleteIn Response to Carlos Feliciano
Yeah I think leaving peoples opinions be would be the best approach to this matter. Religious arguments never get anywhere. One side says the same argument, the other says the same argument and it's just continuous. Leaving people alone on their own opinions and accepting their beliefs will settle things. People should learn to just agree to disagree. If you think it's ridiculous then that's ok, and I again see where the author is coming from on some points. Though you shouldn't try to blow it up intoa big issue.
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ReplyDeleteJessica Minllety
ReplyDeleteResponse to shymel: When I read shymel’s post I completely agreed with it. Everyone is given a talent and a chance. Some achieve success early while some achieve later on in life. The talent that you get from god has to be used and improved. He gives you the capacity then you have to make use of it and not let it go to waste. I am not only basing this on my religion, that talent comes from somewhere, regardless what you believe in.
In response to Carlos, I do think people are taking it out of proportion, this is not that serious. The man who wrote the article wants his 5 minutes of fame. Nothing will make me not believe that there isn’t a god, it is just me. Who really knows what goes on up there? Tebow is just a really good player with a lot of faith. People are always trying to get dirt on other people.
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ReplyDeleteIdalis Miranda responding to Marissa: I agree with God is trying to help everyone that is willing to receive the help. Just because he praise to god does not mean god is helping him win but god is guiding him through the process to when his games. Also everyone was downgrading him before he even got into the NFL. So he worked hard to prove everybody wrong and his wins show it.
ReplyDeleteIdalis responding to Leon Melson: I agree that he has WORKED and TRAINED for everything he has. Also it is very important for an athlete to take numerous hours to put in learning the play, going over it with the team, and keeping his body in peak condition in order to be able to carry out these plays. Being an athlete I think we all agree it takes a lot of determination, dedication, team work and time management to play a sport.
SN: Varsity Girls basketball team better than the boys!! Lol Love you Leon <3
In response to Erin:
ReplyDeleteI agree completely with Erin. I like how she says that his hard work helps him achieve his football career and that maybe his personal faith has something to do with it as well. She says that God probably does not care about NFL football, but just because 43% of people do, it doesn't mean we should make fun of them. She is also correct when she says that this will cause a lot of controversy because it deals with religion and sports.
In response to Kamille:
I also really agree with Kamille. I like how she says that basically nobody really knows if God is helping Tebow or not. Its put it into perspective that these are all peoples beliefs and no one has the actual answer. I agree when she says that despite people not agreeing with his religion, you should respect that he works hard to do well in the game.
Keiosha Floyd
ReplyDeleteResponse to Chelse Chambers:
Yo I agree with you, you bring up some really good points. You have to realize with everyone feeling like the world going to end and everything, people feel it’s okay to say anything and do anything at anytime and people don’t stop and think, “Is this going to offend anyone or is this offensive or wrong to say?” Society is ignorant and society is only ignorant because of the people in it. I love how you talked about how 57% was against this and felt it was unnecessary for this to even be brought up in the first place. Your right when you say football is not important because your right football IS NOT IMPORTANT! And for people to throw God in the mix is WRONG!
In response to Jaquana: I agree with her 100% people try to make it seem as if their God is better or a certain God is lacking. Jaquana stated, There is no reason to believe that god helps Tim Tebow win football games, and then when he loses say " Oh he isn’t winning anymore, he must have made god mad." That just goes to show that people are saying anything to try and persuade people’s religion, or how they see their god..." How people see their God, may be totally different. Tim Tebow may think that God is on his side, and if Tim Tebow feels as if God is helping him then that is his natural right. Who is anyone that feels as if God isn't. I feel as if people should keep their religious views to themselves, that way everybody will be satisfied.
ReplyDeleteKeiosha Floyd
ReplyDeleteResponse to Amanda Crespo:
Amanda your blog really touched me because you used quotes and you truly wrote how you felt. I liked that you brought up the fact that if Tebow liked or believed or even worshipped another God this whole entire situation wouldn’t been brought up, and your right because if he was not Christian this poll wouldn’t have even been brought up in the first place. Also you got to look at it, in the NFL Tebow is one of the best players right now, and if he didn’t believe in god it would been a problem of why he didn’t believe in god and it would probably been a whole new situation. My question is “why is people worrying about his religion? Why is it a problem?” I wish people would stop bring God in the most DUMBEST junk because it’s disrespectful. Good job Amanda =)
In response to Kennethea:
ReplyDeleteI think you did a little bit too much by saying, "This mistake in itself proves that he is ignorant, incompetent, insensitive and intolerant..." Just because he didn't capitalize the "g"? Moore was on your side of the argument. You discredited him simply because he didn't capitalize a "g" He might not want to give God too much credit, because he might not believe in the same God you believe in. I don't feel as if he disrespected God, because he didn't capitalize the "g". His diction may have been a bit off, but overall his tone was sarcastic, and verbally ironic, if we want to throw literary devices out there, just saying. Read in between the lines and use your context clues, then you might get the picture a little better.
In response to Carlos: I agree with Carlos one hundred percent! People are blowing this out of proportion. I don’t understand American society now. And I think that Carlos and I believe the same thing about non-Christians feeling the same way. Like does Allah have an influence on the Broncos? Does the Angel Maroni? Does Buddha? I just think, like Carlos, that everything is out of proportion. Oh! And I also agree that Parker is just trying to get us to hate each other.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Justice: I also agree with Justice on some parts. Just let people believe what they want to. But I just don’t think that a god should be thrown in there. I’m not trying to flaunt my non-religion around, but I just don’t think there’s an almighty power in the universe controlling what man does. It’s just a little far-fetched to me. I also agree with her with her statement “We don’t know diddley squat so hush your mouth, watch the beautiful game of football, and shut up.” Seriously! No one really cares what you think! Just sit down, shove some food in your mouth and watch the damn game
Helene says…
ReplyDeleteI agree with what most of what Asia is saying. “People are quick to blame other people for a bad reaction. It’s really stupid to up and blame God for Tebow not winning. For the 43% that believe God has an influence over the wins of football have to understand that this is the real world, good and bad things are going to happen. This topic is very argumentative because people have different beliefs and opinions.” Football is football, and honestly has nothing to do with any religion or God. People always like to bring their religion and other people in to things because everyone needs something or someone to blame to help then cope with the wrongdoings and misfortunes in the world.
“I actually found this article to be somewhat funny, I mean whoever wrote it is clearly not a Tebow fan. This is the way I look at it, Tebow right now is one f the most valued and talented QB's in the league (besides Tony Romo of course) and he has done outstanding this season. The Broncos as far as I know never have this good of a season and it's success is mostly because of Tebow. I get people are angered by the fact that people are comparing him to god, and obsessing over him, but let him have his 5 minutes of fame.” I absolutely agree with everything Aireanna is saying as well the rest of her paragraph, well besides the Tony Romo comment (haha). However these few sentences are my favorite. I feel as though this whole controversy has started out with a snide joke referring to Tebows devout religion as well as his success in the NFL and has turned into a huge debate for no reason.
I also have to agree with what Addie is saying. “We all have different opinions and views on god or even if there is one or many different.
The debate on god is a long and endless discussion that I believe should be avoided whenever possible and people should just learn to respect other’s beliefs. If you don't you'll get nowhere.” I don’t understand why people care so much about religion and comparing it with football. To me it’s a topic not even worth mentioning. Everyone has his or her own opinion and it should stay that way.
Marissa Santana
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree with Maddy. I don’t think that God makes Tebow won the game but I do think that God gave Tebow the talent to become a good football player. Just as you said that the 43% of Americans that stated what they did I do not think that it is a fact. I do think that anyone can make up their own statistics. The only thing that I would have to say is that God has blessed Tim Tebow and he has worked hard to make sure that he keeps his talents. It is not like he put his talents to waste he took ahold of them and he made it work.
In response to Shayla I completely agree with her, she says that God is not on the football field telling Tebow how to catch the football or when to run left or right. Is God on his side yes he is but it doesn’t mean that God makes him win the games. Winning is a team effort it can not all fall on to Tebow in order for them to receive a W. if he were to lose a game that doesn’t mean that he did something bad. It might not have been a good game or maybe they just didn’t work as a team. I know that God would not punish Tebow and the team for something that Tebow did. God is on everyone’s side and he would love to see everyone succeed. I totally agree with your statement of “if someone is perfect at everything they do they begin to lose that humbleness.” If Tebow wants to Kneel down and thank God for all of his blessing then he should not be judged for it, because who are we to judge.
In Response to Tatianna:
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one that believed thi. It wasn't the point that he was trying to make that I had an issue with. I agree with his idea that God doesn't necessarily put emphasis on football but he makes sure that his children (that might happen to play football) are in good health. His point was poorly proved due to his condescending tone. My general point is: he could have stated his view MUCH DIFFERENTLY!
In Response to Erin:
I agree with you in the sense that Tebow worked hard to achieve his some of his football goals and that God has helped him get there. Yet I don't think that Moore made a clear statement about how he felt about the christian God. His tone made his belief (if he has any) very questionable. To me he sounds like an atheist; making little comments like "The invisible man in the sky..." This whole article makes me feel offended as a christian believer.
In response to Addie: I agree with the fact that if everyone could just believe in their own beliefs and not try to tell other people what to believe then it would be so much easier. The debate about god is endless and will always end with both sides feeling the same way as when the debate started. If people want to believe that god helped Tebow then ok whatever. I disagree. Maybe believing in god gave him faith and confidence to do better, but I definitely don’t think god sat up there and said “I’m gonna make this team win, but ignore the poor, starving kids who are also rape victims” what? That’s dumb.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Nautica’s response to Kenethea: I agree one hundred percent. Just because he put a lower case g does not make him ignorant, incompetent, insensitive, or ignorant. It’s just the way he decided to put it. Maybe he doesn’t have the same views as you and that’s his opinion. Calling him uneducated on the topic because of some of his comments is wrong. Again, it’s his opinion.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Justice: I agree. Who cares? It really doesn’t matter if some people think that and some people don’t because it’s their opinion. And no one has proof of anything anyways. Did someone ask god if he is helping the football team? No so it’s all opinions. Who the hell cares if someone disagrees with someone else. It doesn’t matter who thinks what, believe what you believe.
ReplyDeleteJaniqua says: in response to Shymel I agree with everything that he said. I agree with it because god does grant individuals certain gifts and talents.Like he said "Tebow happens to be gifted in athletics; football in the case." I agree with that statement because god gave him that talent its not like it just came from nowhere he got it for a reason. Tebow hasd a relationship with god and some people don't understand that because they feel different about it. With Tebow being one of the gifted people in the world it makes him a good athlete, which makes his team a good team.
ReplyDeleteIn response to LeeAna I agree with her response. What she is saying is so true people believeing that he has god on his side is crazy. It's crazy for people to trhink it is true just because the media says it. Football is only football as she said and religion shouldn't have anything to do with it. Money is what people want everyone wants moneyn and would love to have money in their pocket and people would do that by making up lies, and saying crazy things.
In response to Maggie: I am glad somebody said this. I don't like articles like this because they alienate a certain person or group of persons and make them feel bad. Then they get defensive and start lashing out at the people who have different views than they do. It's a vicious circle. I totally get what you're saying about making fun of people like this... it's not helpful to anybody in any way, at least in this context. If everybody was more educated about all different views and opinions then there wouldn't be the need to lash out at a certain group of people, I think.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Thomas Enders: I like the context that you put this article into. Well I don’t “like” it because of how demeaning it potentially can be to a certain group of people, but it’s very interesting to read the article again in a new light. I think for a long time there has been a lack of attempt at understanding other peoples’ beliefs, whatever they are. For instance, a Christian often does not want to think about the possibility that there isn’t a God, or the other way around. It’s easier to be taught something or to realize something and keep it that way, which may be why people often don’t take the time to really educate themselves on other opinions.
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ReplyDeleteI Calvin Latimer agree with Amanda Crespo completely. America is confused. For them to make a big problem out of literally NOTHING is preposterous. It should not be any controversy at all if you ask me. When Tim Teebow pray before his games that's his ritual before EVERY game, just like another athelete Lebron James. Lebron James tosses up powder before every basketball game he plays in the NBA because that's his ritual they believe that if there rituals are done before every game everything will go right and as planned. By them mentioning that God is helping Tim Teebow win is just them downplaying the way he wins not glorifying his hard work and work ethic. Tim Teebow has a lot of ambition. I just feel like the 43 percent of americans are short changing Tim Teebow for the player he is.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Shayla:
ReplyDeleteI liked you’re line about your firm belief that there is a greater being and that he has all the answers, mainly because that’s one of the things I love most about God, is that he gives each person the choice of accepting him into their life. Tim Tebow, you, and I are just three of those who chose to do so. And this article is just a way of showing some of the adversity that believers of God face every day. I’m guessing that Tim Tebow’s talk about being Christian has not been any more “attention needy” sounding than the other stuff we hear in the media, it was probably blown out of proportion on the account that it regarded a Christian believer.
In response to Kennethea:
I agree with you, I believe that God has the power to bless people and yes he does it through mysterious ways. And because Christianity has such a long history it’s really not good to base an argument like that on opinion void facts, because I would think that the ones who would have any relative idea of what God’s true intentions are would be Christians, not people who have no belief in him at all. It’s sad that people take such offense to certain religions and follow that act with statements about how all religions should be respected, and about how people should be able to believe what they want. Sometimes you just can’t be on both sides of the fence because you end up confusing not only others but worse, yourself.
Asia Vanderveen
ReplyDeleteIn response Jessica , I agree with you completely. When a person lacks information, or doesn't know something, they are quick to up and blame or find an excuse. People have different beliefs and believe what they want to. If something is supposed to happen, its going to. But who are we to blame when things go bad? Not ourselves ? Or point the finger at God? Nothing is perfect and just like human beings , God is in a battle too.
In response to keiosha, I LOVE , LOVE, LOVE your response because I feel the exact same way. It seems like things are good, its great, but when things turn bad and Tebow starts losing, people want to point the finger at God. But I also disagree with you because, people are entitled to their opinons and they are going to believe what they want to, theres no doubt about that and you can't change them .
In response to Emmitt:
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, I too believe there is a god, and that he gives all of us a particular skill or talent that he wants us to take advantage of. I personally feel that in todays society there isn't enough religion, and that's why the United States is in the perdicament its in now. I applaud Tebow for setting a good example, and being a devote follower of christianity, but I don't think thaty god helps him win football games. Tim Tebow has worked hard to get where he is now through his hardwork and toughness. Don't get me wrong I too believe that his talent is god given, but I think I would have to give Tebow more credit for his success than the maker.
Brianna Corbitt
ReplyDeleteIn response to Shanelle, I concur with the points that she made. She mentioned ideas that I didn’t think about, but could easily be agreed with. I don’t believe that God is the reason behind someone losing or winning a game, or any sport for that matter. Like she said, the outcome of games depends on the effort put in and the determination of a player. Thinking that one could pray to God and suddenly master a sport without practice is foolish. All at the same time, there are some players that are Atheist and have never prayed to God and still are amazing athletes. This proves that practice makes perfect, Tebow obviously has been practicing. Without practice, not even God himself would drastically change one’s skills because of their prayers. If you suck in sports then you suck in sports.
I agree with Eliana because when it’s all said and done, that 43% are mixing two completely different subjects. God should be discussed with religion, and when it’s intertwined with sports and other similar secular activities, people with strong religious beliefs would obviously get upset. Tim Tebow is simply just a good football player; if he didn’t practice like the others he wouldn’t be receiving such praise. I’m not saying that god disfavors sports or anything but I am also convinced that he takes no special interest in it. Everyone is treated equally and I don’t think Tim Tebow is so high and mighty that he has received privileges that no other player has mentioned before. If he has some special connection with God that I don’t know about, then maybe I should start “tebowing.” *sarcasm*
Latrieceresponds to Brianna C.:If someone can pray to god right away and god gives them what they want right away, don’t you think there would be no world hunger? No world war or HIV? Even taking someone serious in a poll is foolish. I’m sure that there is people that didn’t take the question serious and responded yea to make fool of the question. Society simply has nothing else to blog about than mocking gods ability and his power by saying that he actually disregards prayers of ending cancer and AIDS and replace them by letting the Broncos when games. Agreeing with Brianna this is bogus.
ReplyDeleteRespond to Phiip:Society today usually mocks something they don’t know much about or something that has order and tradition, thus defying Religion. Like Philip I believe that religion should be more included in society today so that myths and questions can be answered about it. History has proven that religion has always been criticized and mocked in society simply because it’s a belief that absolutely no one can change the root meaning of it. If people looked at religion as just another part in someone’s ability to choose what they want to believe in then articles like this would never be written.
In response to Melissa:
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with you. I'm not saying there isn't a god or anything of that nature, but I don't think that god has a preferred team, or control over what team wins or loses a football game. Although Tebow wins a lot of amaIng games on the field, he also loses in the clutch as well. Tebow hasn't beat Tom Brady yet in his career, and I believe this has nothing to do with faith, its just that Tom Brady is a more experience Quarterback than Tebow. I don't think that teams win Super Bowls because of there fait. I think teams win big games based on experience, hardwork, and dedication.